Saturday, May 9, 2015

Becoming a Mother

There was a time that I wondered if I would ever be a mother at all. After we got married in 2001, we waited for a few years and then we were pregnant with our first child in the spring of 2005. We were elated because we had finally saved enough to move out of our 1 bedroom apartment and become real homeowners! 

Our happiness quickly took a turn for the worse just a few short months later when I began to have periods of cramping, then spotting. I had been working full-time throughout my pregnancy in rehab. It was heavy work, but I thought nothing of it. I was also very ignorant about heavy lifting while pregnant and monitoring my out-of-control mood swings. I took a lot of my frustration out on my husband. We had told our families and then we lost the baby to a miscarriage. Incompatible genes they told us. Incompatible?? Bind the Devil!! Now, I was no midwife or OB/GYN nurse, but I figured two healthy people could have a healthy baby together without complications. It's been happening for years!

We found out after some testing, that it was a chromosomal mismatch of sorts. Not his fault, not my fault. The baby would have been a girl. I was so crushed. I cried and mourned heavily. "It happens sometimes" is what I was told. They eventually assured us that we could have children together, and to just.....try again. Well, after that green light, it was on, and 6 months later, we were pregnant again with my now oldest son. Fourteen months after that, we had our youngest son. 

God graced us with favor after a very trying period of wondering if being parents was God's plan for us. It put a great strain on our marriage and we were so tempted to blame each other. But we prayed. Through the tears and the heartache, we reached out to our heavenly Father for answers and hope. I continued to struggle greatly over that first loss even after having two more children! I think about how I would not have ever known our current children had we carried our first pregnancy to term. It's mind-boggling, but makes me so grateful to the Lord for (1) getting me through that hard time, (2) blessing us to be able to have children at all and (3) for my two, handsome, perfect sons!

Every Mother's Day is special to me. God has chosen every mother for their particular child. It is an amazing privilege and a wonderful opportunity to make disciples for our Lord. I have dedicated them both back to the Lord. We are raising them for Him. I love my two and wouldn't trade them for anything....ever!

CHALLENGE: Encourage a mom this weekend and give her a sincere compliment on her parenting. Ask if you can pray for her and do it
right away.


  1. I'm so glad you were eventually able to have children. Motherhood is the best job ever! I really needed to be reminded of the fact that God has chosen every mother for that particular child and that I too have dedicated mine back to the Lord. And that when I struggle as all mothers do at one time or another that the Lord is there and I need to trust him. I'm so thankful to be part of this honorable calling of being a mother. It's the best! Happy Mother's Day

    1. Absolutely! One of the hardest callings and one of the most rewarding for sure. I appreciate my boys even more since that very hard time. Thanks for reading!

  2. Happy early mother's day. Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating this special day. Great photos with you family. Now, I am motivated to take more pictures as I am kinda camera shy lol.

  3. Thank you for sharing your story. Happy Mother’s day to you!


  4. What a beautiful family you have! Motherhood is a wonderful job. Lovely pics๐Ÿ’•

    1. Thank you! It really is the best job in the world ๐Ÿ˜

  5. I am so glad that you were able to have two beautiful children after that experience! I hope you have a great mother's day this year!

  6. It is so brave of you to share your pain with such honesty. Your story is an inspiration to those who have gone through similar circumstances. Happy to know about your children.

    1. Thanks so much. We all help each other with struggles in this life. Glad to do my part.

  7. I love your heartwarming blog post! <3 And happy mother's day! <3 I will definitely follow your advice and show love and encouragement to a mother I know! <3 xxx

    1. So glad to hear that Elly! Thanks for reading :)

  8. Happy mother's day to you and I am happy everything went well. Here's to more blessings and wishing you all the best.

  9. Happy Mother's day and it is great that all went well. Thank you for this very informative post

  10. Happy Mother’s Day! We also lost our first daughter. That was the first nothet’s Day that I had ever felt sadness. Now I always think of those who have lost on this day.

    1. It is much more common than people realize. (((Hugs))) to you.

  11. This is so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your heart. Happy Mother's Day!!!

  12. Every Mother's Day is special to me. Every year i celebrate it. lovely post

  13. It must have been heartbreaking to miscarriage your first child... but you were blessed with two more, and I am sure they are making your life more beautiful.

    1. Soooo heartbreaking, but yes, the Lord has turned our sadness into joy!!

  14. Happy Mother's Day! Our children are such huge blessings to us! You have a beautiful family.

    1. Thanks. It is hard to get everyone together for pics these days! lol

  15. Hope you had an amazing mother's day. I know that we are put into our mothers life for a purpose, and so many beautiful things are taught through mothers. Children are a blessing.

    1. I really did. Thank you. Children are some of my biggest!!

  16. What an inspiring story! Mothers are the best and they deserve all the love. I hope you had a great celebration!

    1. We did Ruth. That was my grandmother's name. Thanks so much for reading :)

  17. You never get over the loss of a child. My son passed away 10 years ago at the age of 13 and it's still hard, especially during the holidays.

    1. So sorry to hear that Brandi! My God heal your heart. I can't imagine how difficult that would be. People just have no idea...

  18. So brave of you for sharing your story that a lot of women can relate to. This will help them out.

    1. Well I certainly hope so. It always helps to know that you are not alone. None of us are.

  19. What a touching post. I'm glad you chose to share your story, I'm also sure many people can relate. Thanks for sharing. :)


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