Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Sometimes the Lord gives me a revelation; Not something new necessarily, but my eyes are more open to something that has been true all along. I've just had one of those moments about motherhood.

Moms come in every shape, form, fashion, color and creed whether intentionally, by choice or not. But in any case, God has allowed a woman to assist in raising a child.

The work a mother does is similar to the work of the Holy Spirit.

1. She shares physical space with her child. The Holy Spirit dwells within us.

2. A good mom teaches her child right from wrong. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and reminds us of what Jesus has said.

3. Mothers are good at understanding. We call her and she seems to be good at making everything ok. The Holy Spirit interprets our prayers, moans and groans as well.

Now, don't get it twisted. We are not referring to gender identity, only roles and similarities. The Lord is a Spirit, neither male nor female. Most of the time, God is referred to as Father actually.

As moms, we join God's work in our children's lives. If God lives in us, as we impart God's Word to them, change will happen.

This Mother's Day, remember that moms are called and appointed to this work. No one can mother your children like you!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful mother's day! These are such lovely photos.

  2. Moms are the best. They have shaped us to be who we are.

    1. Isn't that the truth! Where would we be without them??

  3. What an adorable post, and so meaningful. Love the picture with the stickers!

    1. Thank you! The boys just said "Hey mom, look at this!". It was a picture-perfect moment :)

  4. this is so beautiful and so real. moms are def the best, i wouldn't be where i am today without my mom. happy early mothers day.

    1. It is certainly fitting for moms to have a holiday! Thank you.

  5. Beautifully written, hope you have a lovely day!

  6. I look forward to Mother's Day every year. My family and I have so much fun together.

  7. Wow, what a beautiful post! Mother's Day is such a special time.

  8. Wonderful take on Mother's Day and religion.

  9. A happy mother's day to you. As moms, we need to have that never ending patience and overflowing love to our children. Good.thing that our church helps us in being parents to our kids.

    1. Thanks so much. Same to you. As long as we remember that the church is helping. The real responsibility of raising kids belongs to moms and dads.

  10. You have a beautiful family. You deserve to have the greatest of Mothers Day, and I hope your family shower you with the love you deserve this holiday and every day.

    1. You are so sweet! Thanks so much. Same to you ❤

  11. Mom's are the best! Happy Mother's Day!


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