Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ministering Together - Journey off the Map

Team Mckaney

Our preference is to always minister together. This time the Lord blessed us to minister during Vacation Bible school. We would both literally leave work and head over to the church for the meal provided for all the workers and teachers all week long. The church had classes for preschoolers through the adults! Maurice and I co-taught a class of about 20 3rd and 4th graders. Even some of them were "surprised" that we were husband and wife. We made sure to let them know! Lol!

During the course of the week, over 20 kids indicated that they had made the decision to take a journey with Jesus for the rest of their lives! All we want to do is to make disciples who make a difference. We had a blast and praise God for the opportunity!

General session before class, rec and crafts

Helping the kids remember our lesson.
Leading all the kids in our theme songs.
Having a serious discussion about Isaiah 30:21
Our usie (without Maurice)
Closing session singalong
How to read the Bible basics
Maurice chats with the boys
Recreation time!!
Piecing together the puzzle  
"Holy you Are"

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