The Lord certainly did not mean for this to be just any typical Sunday. It was the last day of the conference and God confirmed in multiple ways through multiple people that we were to go out into the city.
After breakfast, the Lord led us to pray over the entire church building from the outside. We carried our anointing oil and as the spirit of God directed us, we were able to identify some strongholds in Atlanta in the spirit. Over the next several hours we took authority over the idolatry, prostitution, corrupt governmental systems and other sin that was identified.
Just as the disciples were sent out to various places, as WE go, we are to also pray for God's Kingdom to come and for God's will to be done. We are Ambassadors in the spirit and we all have the ministry of reconciliation. Sometimes we may have to circle our Jericho until the walls bow down to God's rule. Discipleship is work and some things come only through prayer and fasting.
I am expecting the Hindu temple there to come down in one way shape form or another. It will be demolished in Jesus name. Satan will not occupy a place that God says is ours. The houses and lands that God showed to us is our possession and it will not be demolished by unjust judges in Jesus name! We decreed and declared, we rebuked, claimed, anointed and took authority. We spoke, sang, prayed, whispered and hollered.
If you have never prayer walked or spoken the word of God over a place I am here to tell you that it is a powerful thing. The enemy does not appreciate us boldly standing in opposition to what he is trying to establish in the city. God's Church cannot be afraid to battle in enemy terrritory. We are the church, God's remnant warriors. Spiritual warfare is real and a lot happens on a Sunday morning outside of the four church walls. We were not afraid to declare Jesus Christ as King of Atlanta! There were more with us than there were with our enemy. We praise God in advance for the revival to come!
Guess what God showed me today??? I was on the plane coming home from Atlanta and I "saw" a picture in the spirit. It was two rings, but they were two eyes. One was the husband's, the other the wife's. God spoke to my heart and said that if we lift up our eyes (become proud, haughty, independent), the sight will be off, cross-eyed, not focused. Only when a couple looks in the same direction will there be a unified vision.
We walk towards what we focus on. But if we are looking in opposite directions, there is no vision and the marriage will perish. So I pray for focus, oneness and clarity of vision in all of our marriages ladies. Two eyes, not one big "I". Two eyes headed in the same direction with the same goal & focused on Christ, our Head!
As we move as led by the Holy Spirit, we will find ourselves going places we have not been to before. Your view on marriage will change, your job, business, school and ministry will be impacted. Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit is a matter of tapping into your spiritual senses. I have learned so much on the trip, but my biggest takeaway is being led by the Holy Spirit and putting that into practice. Learning spiritual sight has changed my walk with Christ forever!
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