Welcome to The Titus Ten Study Guide!
This guide accompanies The Titus Ten book written by Anita Mckaney. This study guide is meant for groups of women doing the study together.
First, let's pray.
Father, we thank you for leading us to this place in our christian walk. We believe that Jesus is Your Son and that He died on the cross for our sins in our place. We accept Him into our lives and we ask that You will help us to follow His teachings as outlined in Your Word by the Holy Spirit. Prepare our hearts to hear from You and to immediately apply what we will learn. Bless our time together as a group. In the weeks, months and years to follow, we ask that this study will continue to resonate in our hearts. Make us women we pray, Amen.
This guide is free and you may print these pages to be shared only if you have left a book review. This is done on the honor system because we want to freely share what has been given to us by the Lord. Please let us know how the book has impacted your life and the women that you mentor and disciple. Reviews can be left HERE. on Goodreads or Barnes & Noble. Thank you so much for your honesty and the reviews!
If you have not joined Wifestyle Image Network yet, do it now! You will find other women there who are on this same journey to Titus 2 womanhood and can hold you accountable. You can also make great friends, learn about discipleship and ambassadorship, find a mentor or be a mentor nearby or across the globe! my.wifestyleimagenetwork.com
Are you ready? Be sure to have your copy of the book and a bible. You will use both in this study guide. It can be done in 10 days (the fast track) or over 10 weeks (to immerse and apply the concepts as you go). Decide which route is best for you now and follow those guidelines as listed in the study.
Some people may feel that parts of this study do not apply to them at all, but I disagree. The Word is for all of us in every season. You may not be a mom, but you influence the children around you. Let the Bible do the work in your heart and broaden what god may be asking of you.
Find others doing the study by following the hashtag #thetitustenbook on social media! Be sure to tag @anitmckaney when you post! You will also find tweet-able quotes throughout the guide. Feel free to tweet about The Titus Ten book. Let's spread the word!
Pray silently for the Lord to speak directly to you, then let's begin.
Big Idea: A Godly woman is submitted first to Christ then she willingly submits to those who Christ places over her.
Read and Write out Titus 2:3-5 in the notes section of your book in its entirety.
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter one in your group.
10D - Make a list of who/what you are submitted to? Include your commitments and responsibilities at home, school, church or work. Pray over each. Are there some that God has not ordained but perhaps you established them yourself? Repent for any lack of submission and ask God to make you a Titus 2 woman.
10W - I can be a Titus 2 woman and so can you! #thetitustenbook (TWEET)
Write your name in the blanks of the Titus 2:3-5 scripture below:
________ will have behavior that exemplifies holiness. _________ is not a false accuser. ________ will not have much wine and be drunk. _________ is a teacher of good things. _______ will teach women who are younger than her to be sober. _________ will love her husband and children as the Lord provides them and teach other women to do so as well. _________ is discreet, modest and chaste in how she dresses and speaks. _______ is neat and clean and keeps a tidy home.
________ is respectful to her husband and/or all those who are in authority over her.
Day 1 - Be agreeable. If it is not sinful, try to listen and do what is asked of you today.
Day 2 - Read James 4:7. What are your temptations? Resist them today.
Day 3 - Read 1 Corinthians 16:16. Make it easy for those who are submitted to you. Show appreciation to your children, co-workers, church members, etc. today.
Day 4 - Read Ephesians 5:22. Ask the Lord how to obey this verse. Write down your convictions whether married or single then do what God says.
Day 5 - Repent. Write out a prayer to God in your book or journal confessing any sins this week.
Big Idea: Goodness is a fruit of the Spirit. Godly women are those who speak and do good because they serve a good God.
Read and Write out Titus 2:5 in three different versions of the bible.
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter two in your group.
10D - What makes a woman good? Good looks, good cooking, good sex, good grades, good kids? How have you let this word define you? How would you like it to be defined? Write out what good things that you would like to be said about you if you were receiving an award.
10W - The more like God we are, the more good we will be. #thetitustenbook (TWEET)
Day 1 - Search for the definition of goodness in a dictionary, then look for antonyms (opposites). Write out what you find.
Day 2 - Read Galatians 5:22. Ask God how you can develop this fruit in your life. What bad things need to be replaced?
Day 3 - List 3 women that you consider to be good. How could you be like them? Would they make a good mentor? Pray about it.
Day 4 - Read Acts 9:36. How can you be a better disciple of Jesus Christ? What things can you do today?
Day 5 - Titus 2:7. What bad patterns in your life do you need to correct? List these and pray for God's help.
Keepers at Home
Big Idea: A woman with a clean heart should strive for a clean home. God dwells in both.
Read and write out Ezekiel 44:23.
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter three in your group.
10D - If Jesus were coming to visit your residence today, what changes would you make? How do things look, smell, taste even? What small commitment can you make right now to get your spiritual and physical house in order? Write it out with today's date. I commit to _______________________. By __________, I will have already ___________. I will ask ______________ to hold me accountable.
10W - They used to say that cleanliness was next to Godliness. However, the closer we are to God, the more we can see our dirt. #thetitustenbook (TWEET)
Day 1 - Read and write out Psalm 51:10. Clean your heart. Fast just one meal today and ask God to show you anything in your heart (where He resides) that offends Him.
Day 2 - Clean your bedroom. Make this a sacred space. You may want to buy something special to remind you to keep it clean and restful. Married women should make this a priority!
Day 3 - Read Proverbs 16:2 (KJV version) Designate a space and a time for prayer and a schedule for cleaning. Who can you ask for help with this that is really clean? Find someone at my.wifestyleimagenetwork.com!
Day 4 - Clean out that space that you have been neglecting. Don't procrastinate. Turn on some music and get to work!
Day 5 - Read John 15:3. Who can you help to get clean spiritually or physically? Ask God to point you in the right direction.
Big Idea: Sexual virtue is for all women in all relationships who follow Jesus!
Read and write out Ruth 3:10 in the notes section of your book.
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter four in your group.
10D - The word chaste is one of the words that is quickly leaving the American vocabulary. Perhaps because we have left our first love! Being chaste is about self-control and temperance as it relates to sex whether you are married or not. Be honest. Are you yielding to temptation in this area through means like masturbation, music with sexual lyrics, romance novels or movies? Have you gone to far? Or even over the edge?
Being chaste starts in the mind. Purity is only accomplished through the Holy Spirit. Watch this video on my struggle with Lust - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMNlO9yd_FA&list=PLuul71Y35rvop-MmEKuQUse-C9NKBQHww
Day 1 - Give up one meal today. Fast and pray about being a more virtuous woman.
Day 2 - Remove anything in your home, office, car or room that is a distraction from purity.
Day 3 - Analyze what you are watching and listening to? Garbage in, garbage out. Throw it away. Cancel the membership. Show the Lord that you are serious about being chaste.
Day 4 - Memorize Philippians 4:8.
Day 5 - Is there a relationship that you are struggling with? Get an accountability partner or mentor at wifestyle image network.
Big Idea: A Titus 2 woman reveals more of God than herself.
Read and write out Proverbs 2:11 in the KJV version
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter five in your group.
10D - You may have heard that common sense is not common. Being careful in how a Godly woman dresses, speaks, makes decision and spends her money is important to God. We are to reflect Him in every way. Our lives should point more to Him and not to us.
Do a search and look for some other things that the Bible says to "Watch" and to "Be careful of".
Day 1 - Be careful what words you use today. Are they harmful or helpful? Ask a friend what your common phrases are. Trust me....they KNOW!
Day 2 - Carefully and prayerfully review your clothing. Is it revealing more of God or of you?
Day 3 - Evaluate your spending over the last year. Is it God-controlled or are you out of control? Re-budget if needed or buy a financial planner.
Day 4 - Go ahead and weigh yourself today and check the fridge. What needs to change to honor God better? Who can hold you accountable?
Day 5 - For every decision you make today, ask for God's guidance FIRST!
Love Your children
Big Idea: Be a woman who loves her children like God loves His.
Read and write out Proverbs 22:6
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter six in your group.
10D - Loving your children looks different ways. It looks like spending time with them as well as discipline. It looks like making memories as well as discipling them. It looks like parenting like our Father and not being their friend, setting boundaries, yet, learning to let them make mistakes.
Some of us may have regrets in motherhood. It is not easy, but we have to let it go. Make ammends, forgive and reconcile if you can. God does the same for us all the time!
Find some verses in the Bible about how God parents His children. What can you apply to your own life right now whether you have children of your own or not? Make a post about it and highlight it in your Bible.
Day 1 - Make a list of the child(ren) that you will pray for regularly. Find a scripture for each.
Day 2 - Commit to make disciples of children in your family. Perhaps you can invite a cousin or neice to church with you (Sunday school, VBS, backyard bible club). Start planning how you will introduce Jesus to them.
Day 3 - Pray for your local school system, homeschooling parents, the juvenile and foster care systems in your own area. Be open to hear God's response and journal it in your book.
Day 4 - Discipline and Discipling are two different things. Discipline sets boundaries. Discipling points to Christ. Are you doing both? Share your thoughts in your group today. What is the right way to train a child in the way they should go? Might you need a mentor for this? Do you have ideas to share?
Day 5 - What kind of spiritual heritage are you leaving to those younger than you? Write in your book what you would like this to be. Share if you like.
Love Your Husband
Big Idea: Marriage is a picture of Christ and his church. God makes that picture a masterpeice when I do my part.
Read and write out 1 Corinthians 13 and replace the words LOVE or CHARITY with your name. Is it still true?
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter seven in your group.
10D - Many wives end up being the "man of the house" and nothing gets done right unless it goes by them. They are the leaders, the spiritual guide and are happy to say so. The Bible paints a different picture. If we do not make room for our husbands to fulfill their purpose as as men, we will be stuck with little support as a woman. Our husbands love us best when we love God enough to trust Him with our marriages.
God's design for marriage is for spouses to support and lead each other closer to God. It is unrealistic to put every leadership decision on a man, just as it is ridiculous for the wife to never ask for help even though she is a helper to her husband!
Balance in a marriage is key. Ideally, we should be trying to outdo each other in service to one another. Being demanding, insecure and hateful never built a strong marriage. If what you are doing is not working, try it God's way. Even if your husband does not respond, your obedience to God is counted. It can be hard to be humble, forgive often and pray incessantly, but this is what Jesus does for his Church. Follow His example. Stay consistent. He loved until the very end, even til death.
Day 1 - Write out a prayer to God about your marriage (present or future if you are single).
Day 2 - Examine 1 Corinthians 13 again. What convicts you most? Find one thing to work on.
Day 3 - Be bold and ask your spouse to hold you accountable to that one thing from yesterday.
Day 4 - Do not say anything negative all day. Be thankful for being married and enjoy it.
Day 5 - Make plans for your next anniversary. Pray about it and then tell your husband your idea.
Big Idea: Drinking does not satisfy a woman of God, Christ does!
Read and write out John 7:37-39
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of eight seven in your group.
10D - Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? How do you know?
Drinking usually implies getting drunk. Usually it is to forget sorrow or to celebrate something. As a woman who is striving to please the Lord, we must be sober as it mentioned in Titus 2. Drink, but do not be drunk, be filled with the living water instead.
The Holy Spirit is the Living Water that the Bible describes. He is "God in us" and the power to live a holy life in sinful surroundings. No matter what temptations we encounter, the Holy spirit helps the planted "seed" of the Word of God to take root and produce works of holiness in our lives. For example, we will show the Fruit of the Spirit as mentioned in Galatians 6. We will also remember what Jesus has said and we will pray better with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Without the Holy Spirit, we are doing life alone and we make easy prey for other spirits to inhabit our thoughts and hearts. Once we fully accept this "Living Water", we can be regularly full and filled and Jesus says that we will never thirst again.
Day 1 - Make a decision to not get drunk. Ever. Who can hold you to this?
Day 2 - Pray and ask God to completely fill you with the Holy Spirit. Pray this every day.
Day 3 - Today, pray until something happens. Ask God to show you Himself in a new way.
Day 4 - Talk to the Holy Spirit like a best friend. Resist any other spirits (James 4:7)
Day 5 - Fast from all fluid but water today as a symbol of your new commitment to sobriety.
Big Idea: Every woman everywhere will give account to every word that she utters.
Read and write out Proverbs 11:13.
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter nine in your group.
10D - Gossip is not lady-like. It is also a sin. If God does not like it, we should do our best to purge it out of our lives.
First, confess any gossip that you have been a part of by being the talker or the listener. Second, make some changes in your circle. Do you need to spend your lunchtime at work elsewhere? What can you replace your gossip-talk with? What magazines or shows do you need to cut out.
Thirdly, replace the gossip with the gospel. This works every time! When gossip starts, begin sharing your testimony, talk about church and Jesus and watch the devil run. People are immediately convicted when this conversation happens. You may lose friends, but where they really friends?
Day 1 - Would they call you a gossiper? Become a worshiper. Fill your mind with holy thoughts and it will begin to come out of your mouth. Wear earbuds if needed (you know when).
Day 2 - Practice silence today. Listen more than you talk. Pray silently. Let calls go to voicemail.
Day 3 - Memorize James 1:19
Day 4 - Commit your tongue to the Lord. Write out that commitment with today's date.
Day 5- Speak life. Ask for forgiveness and start again tomorrow as often as needed.
Big Idea: Jesus tells me to be holy as He is holy.
Read and write out 1 Peter 2:9
Share your thoughts on the discussion questions listed at the end of chapter ten in your group.
10D - We are called to be holy women. We should look like Jesus in what we say and do according to 1 Peter 1:16. After doing this study, the common denominator is holiness. A Titus 2 woman is peculiar in today's society. What makes you stand out in this world - your submission to God, good deeds, sexual purity or how you dress and speak? Is it your family, being filled with the Spirit or how you hold your tongue?
Each day, we have the opportunity to be Titus 2 women and to teach other younger women by our example and through mentorship.
Our goal is to be the older woman whose behavior exhibits holiness as the scripture says, not the younger woman who is constantly in need of being taught. Let us strive to grow up in the faith and leave a legacy that honors the Savior.
Day 1 - Find a holy woman to be your mentor in an area where you struggle. Pray and ask for help.
Day 2 - Holy tongue. Today fast from negativity.
Day 3 - Holy marriage. Rededicate your relationship to the Lord. It is for Him, not you.
Day 4 - Holy home. Spend time making your home a place where the Holy Spirit can dwell.
Day 5 - Holy habits. Ask the Lord what you are missing and take action to correct your lifestyle.
I am praying for you and for those you mentor!
Thank you for joining me for this study!
Please leave book reviews and facebook recommendations on my author page HERE. It helps me so much in ministry. I appreciate you!
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