
Lil Maurice Rated PG

Praise God! When I was a little tike, of about five years of age (1975). I guess I thought I was some kind of explorer or zoologist or something, because I used to go around searching for Moby Dick (the fictional whale). I can't remember hearing the story, and I know I didn't read the long novel. But I was obsessed with finding this creature. Which is kind of embarrassing when I think back on it. Somehow I got the idea that Moby Dick lived down in the sewer system, under the manhole covers. One summer day a friend and I, with our big afro's and bell-bottom pants, were playing at my house. My mother (RIP 1/8/50- 5/19/86) decided to take me and my friend with her so she could see her friend, who lived in another part of the hood. When we got there we sat on the front porch. The nice lady offered my friend and I some watermelon. After eating that, my friend and I went around to the back of the house, as my mother and her friend sat on the front porch talking. While

Spousal Support in Bereavement - Missing Daddy

We have been silent on this blog. We have been quietly holding each other up. This is why. Just a few years into our marriage, we lost Maurice's dad and on February 23rd my dad passed from earth to eternity. Some would say that we are now fatherless, but we beg to differ. My father - Arnold Lee Harden gave his life to Jesus Christ as a teenager and served in his local church. He then married, had three girls and became a deacon in his latter years. We know that life begins when we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, so my dad is living his BEST life right now! I got that full revelation on Easter Sunday weekend. I was tempted to deeply mourn during the holidays, but then, I remembered that this year was my dad's first Easter with Jesus Himself - how glorious! All couples deal with death differently. When your spouse is hurting, how do you support them? Here are a few things that Maurice did for me. Letting Me Cry I do not think I have ever cried so much on my life. I c

Communicate Better in 2024

  Men and Women are different. We communicate differently. Some of us are talkers, others are better at listening. We actually comprehend on various levels that depend on our cirucumstances, mood and history with the person with which we are speaking. Even the words that we are using may have shades of meaning that we did not even intend. Communication is both sharing and understanding. When couples both seek to come to a mutual understanding that is the best starting point. Our goal may be to resolve a conflict or make a decision. Once we share our heart with each other, the next step is being able to completely comprehend your partner's position as well. Here are ten ways for couples to improve communication and increase understanding quickly. - Pray together every day. This will help you align your hearts and minds with God's will and purpose for your marriage. "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20) This may be a new commi

We are NOT Falling in Love

Love is a choice. You do not fall into it. It is a verb because love requires action. Those actions are big and small - from giving roses to saying "I do".  The word LOVE is used so casually that it has begun to lose its significance. Love is not sex. Unfortunately, people love their spouses in the same way they love their sports teams. There needs to be a difference. What is that difference?  Jesus makes the difference in how we love. Greater love has no man than this: That a man lay down his life for a friend. Your spouse is your friend and one that you give up your entire single life for. That is why marriage vows are until death.  Christ gave up his life for His Church as an example to us. It is no longer about "me" but about "we". Love is something that we both DO for each other and it requires sacrifice and commitment. Let's strive to keep our spouse's love tanks full by doing the same things that won them in the first place. Then let's a

Raising a Man as a Couple!

Wishing a Happy Birthday to our now 18 year-old son!   Train up  a child in the  way  he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

The Marriage Mastermind

The term mastermind is the popular phrase now to get information and direct access from an industry expert in record time. They are bursts of quality expertise in a crash course to propel you to success in whatever field you are investing in. The question we propose is - What would a Marriage Mastermind look like? The best of the best would offer their strategic and time-tested remedies for every imaginable marriage dilemma. Perhaps there would be an offer to improve your marriage within a certain timeframe guaranteed or you and your spouse's money back. This mastermind might include a book, course or several sessions aimed at the most common painpoints that most couples experience. This actually sounds great, but maybe a tad unrealistic. Marriage is not a "one size fits all" relationship project. It is complex, dynamic and involves much more work than a mere marriage mastermind solution. Ironically however, there is a mastermind behind the idea of marriage. Its author is

Marriage Fears

Fear of marriage is beginning to be a real thing. Some people are scared to say "I do", others are experiencing other real fears in their marriage. Here are the top three reasons why there is fear to marry, as well as three scriptures to dispel fear. 1. Many say "T here is no need to be married to express love to a significant other". I have heard people who use this argument say that marriage is just a peice of paper. However, love is an action word. We need to display our love to another by what we do. Commitment of a man to a woman is how God has encouraged us through His word to do that. 2. Not knowing how to be married or never seeing a successful marriage is another reason for fear. Why try if majority of marriages fail or end in divorce? We should try because the Word of God already lets us know that marriage is a blessing for many reasons including emotionally, physically and financially just to name a few. 3. Being married previously to "the wrong pe