1.First choose two team captains and pick players.
Sixteen would be ideal. Make sure that bible
navigation is pretty equal on both sides. Everyone
may use a bible in gameplay.
Sixteen would be ideal. Make sure that bible
navigation is pretty equal on both sides. Everyone
may use a bible in gameplay.
2.Next provide Bibles for everyone and a place to
play basketball between them. You will also need a
buzzer of some kind and a bracket scorekeeper. All
players receive nametags and a number they choose
for the back of their outfit “jerseys”. You can be
creative with this.
play basketball between them. You will also need a
buzzer of some kind and a bracket scorekeeper. All
players receive nametags and a number they choose
for the back of their outfit “jerseys”. You can be
creative with this.
3.Play the first round by asking the questions and
giving 30 seconds to select an answer.
Then, one player from each team approaches the
buzzer and the first to answer correctly wins that
questions. Or, Both teams can write out the answer
on a dry erase board. If neither team is correct,
whoever makes a basket first gets the point! The
team with the most right of the 16 questions
covering the first 16 chapters wins and proceeds to
the Elite Eight round.
giving 30 seconds to select an answer.
Then, one player from each team approaches the
buzzer and the first to answer correctly wins that
questions. Or, Both teams can write out the answer
on a dry erase board. If neither team is correct,
whoever makes a basket first gets the point! The
team with the most right of the 16 questions
covering the first 16 chapters wins and proceeds to
the Elite Eight round.
4.Reverse the process and have each captain
eliminate an equal number of players on each side,
or at this point there could be four players on each
team. All other players become cheerleaders (they
can make a cheer or design banners for their team,
eliminate an equal number of players on each side,
or at this point there could be four players on each
team. All other players become cheerleaders (they
can make a cheer or design banners for their team,
5.Use the buzzer or a writing slate for answers. Have
two bracket scorekeepers. At this point in the
game, the players can “catch a rebound” by providing
the correct answer first if both teams were
incorrect or by making a basket. Remember to keep
score! Awards go to the final four players
two bracket scorekeepers. At this point in the
game, the players can “catch a rebound” by providing
the correct answer first if both teams were
incorrect or by making a basket. Remember to keep
score! Awards go to the final four players
6.The Final Four round pits the last four players
against each other. No writing or Bibles for this
round! This is a rapid fire elimination question
session covering the Passion of the Christ as
presented in the book of Mark. Be sure to have a
couple of referees. Players are eliminated when they
answer wrongly, but can earn back “Grace points” by
making a bucket. There is a bonus question in the
case that there is a tie game.
against each other. No writing or Bibles for this
round! This is a rapid fire elimination question
session covering the Passion of the Christ as
presented in the book of Mark. Be sure to have a
couple of referees. Players are eliminated when they
answer wrongly, but can earn back “Grace points” by
making a bucket. There is a bonus question in the
case that there is a tie game.
7.The last player standing with four points wins. The
last shall be first. Remind all players that Christ is
alive and well and that what we do with this Truth is
an “Open Book” test! Give out prizes :)
last shall be first. Remind all players that Christ is
alive and well and that what we do with this Truth is
an “Open Book” test! Give out prizes :)
Sweet Sixteen - First Round
Chapter 1 - Who introduced and baptized Jesus and
was later put in prison for preaching?
was later put in prison for preaching?
Chapter 2 - On what special day did Jesus and his
disciples get in trouble with the Pharisees?
disciples get in trouble with the Pharisees?
Sabbath Day
Chapter 3 - Who did Jesus say was his sister?
Anyone who does the will of His Father
Chapter 4 - The Kingdom of God is like what kind of
Mustard seed
Chapter 5 - What was the name of the unclean spirit
that Jesus cast out of the man?
that Jesus cast out of the man?
Chapter 6 - Jesus sends his disciples out and they
can’t take a script, money or _________?
can’t take a script, money or _________?
Chapter 7 - Where do murder, pride, adultery and evil
thoughts come from?
thoughts come from?
From within a man or the heart
Chapter 8 - In verse 14, what food did the disciples
forget to take?
forget to take?
Chapter 9 - What three disciples see Jesus’ clothes
turn white as snow while he was talking to Moses
and Elias?
turn white as snow while he was talking to Moses
and Elias?
Peter, James and John
Chapter 10 - Verse 15 “Whoever does not enter the
Kingdom of God as a little child, ___”
Kingdom of God as a little child, ___”
Will not enter
Chapter 11 - Jesus said that the sellers made his
father’s house a house of what?
father’s house a house of what?
Chapter 12 - In the parable, what happened to the
vineyard owner’s only son?
vineyard owner’s only son?
The keepers killed him.
Chapter 13 - Jesus tell His disciples that who will be
speaking in courts instead of them?
speaking in courts instead of them?
The Holy Spirit
Chapter 14 - Why did Jesus say that the woman
anointed him from the Alabaster box?
anointed him from the Alabaster box?
For his burial
Chapter 15 - What did the people say when Pilate
asked about crucifying Barabbas instead of Jesus?
asked about crucifying Barabbas instead of Jesus?
No. Crucify Him! (meaning Jesus)
Chapter 16 - The last command Jesus gave to his
disciples after His resurrection was to go and preach
to who?
disciples after His resurrection was to go and preach
to who?
Every creature. Everyone.
Elite Eight - Second Round
Chapter 9-12
1. From the cloud, God says of Jesus “This is my
_____” ch9
2. Jesus said “What God has joined together, _____”
3. While Jesus rides on the donkey, the people shout
"________, blessed be the name of the Lord!”
4. Jesus quotes the scripture from Isaiah that says
“The stone that the builders rejected has
become _____”. ch12
5. The father of the sick child says “I believe, help
_____” ch9
6. Name one of the commandments mentioned in
7. How many disciples were sent to find a donkey for
Jesus in ch11?
8. In response to the Sadduccees question, Jesus
replies “Render unto Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s and _____”. ch12
1. From the cloud, God says of Jesus “This is my
_____” ch9
2. Jesus said “What God has joined together, _____”
3. While Jesus rides on the donkey, the people shout
"________, blessed be the name of the Lord!”
4. Jesus quotes the scripture from Isaiah that says
“The stone that the builders rejected has
become _____”. ch12
5. The father of the sick child says “I believe, help
_____” ch9
6. Name one of the commandments mentioned in
7. How many disciples were sent to find a donkey for
Jesus in ch11?
8. In response to the Sadduccees question, Jesus
replies “Render unto Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s and _____”. ch12
Final Four - Third Round
Chapter 13-16
1. Which of the four gospels is missing? John,
Matthew, Luke
Matthew, Luke
2. Which is NOT a disciple? John, Phillip, Elijah, Mark
3. On which mountain was the cross of Christ?
Gethsemane, Horeb, Calvary, Zion
Gethsemane, Horeb, Calvary, Zion
4. Put these four in order: Crucifixion, Resurrection,
Ascension, Transfiguration
Ascension, Transfiguration
Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension
BONUS QUESTION (if there is a tie):
Question: Which is the name of the last command
given by Jesus Christ? The Beatitudes, The Last
The Great Commission, The Sermon on the Mount
Answer: The Sermon on the Mount
given by Jesus Christ? The Beatitudes, The Last
The Great Commission, The Sermon on the Mount
Answer: The Sermon on the Mount
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