I began to pray and to rehearse the logistics in my head. I also kept telling myself that it would not be the end of the world if I couldn't go. I have been invited to events before that I have declined, but this one already "felt" different to me. I believed that it was God's desire to send me so I acted in faith and sent in all the information that was requested of the speakers. I prayed some more. I informed my husband and I waited for his response. And I waited and waited and then he said.....no. GULP! Ummmm,,,what hun? So what do you do when your husband says no? You pray and pray and cry and pray like I did.
I prayed a hard, honest, heartfelt prayer to the King who holds my husband's heart. I even whined to God cuz he can take it. Lol! Then the next morning, I was over it. I refused to pick it back up off of the altar. I treated Maurice with the same amount of love and respect and did not give him the cold shoulder. Then almost 12 hours later, miraculously, he changed his mind!! Glory to God!! I praised as hard as I had prayed. Then doors began to open. Remember that thing I said about being on one accord...yeah! So, I needed to be off of work for an extra day. No problem they said. I needed someone to take the boys while Maurice was busy. The Lord provided a volunteer. My travel arrangements failed and I suddenly needed a last minute roundtrip flight. It was offered to me! I am a living witness that where God guides, He certainly provides!"Lord, pleeeeze touch my husband's heart. If this is truly Your will let him see it and hear Your voice. I don't want to nag. I will not beg. I want to be a picture of grace. Nevertheless...let Your will be done in Jesus name."
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