Monday, June 8, 2015

Atlanta Summit - Part 2

Do you ever have those times when you are excited about one thing and them something "not so great" happens? Yeah, THAT happened! Maurice and I made plans for my upcoming weekend trip to Atlanta and told the boys. We were all happy that I would not be missing their last day of school :)

Then it rained. It rained hard. We have several thunderstorms come through the area with full-blown lightening, thunder and huge hail! We considered hiding out in the basement because we wondered if we would have any broken windows. Thank God that did not happen. We watched as hail fell like snow all over our back porch. Of course, Maurice had to go outside and grab some for the boys to investigate further. I was not even thinking of going there. My hair would hate me. Ha!

Nickel-sized hail

Looked like snow

Our flooded basement

Dangerous amounts of water

We realized that how we handled this situation in front of our boys may determine their future perspectives of how christians interpret troubles and difficulties. 

When God gives you a responsibility, a gift, a call a mission, others will look to see how you handled the hard times and the unexpected. We praise God because we were able to get this mess all cleaned up within 24 hours after the incident. We did notice that there was an odor remaining however. This let us know that sometimes there remains a residue of the storm that you must go through. It's just a reminder (like a thorn in the flesh) that God got you through a messy situation and to be prepared for the next time. Something happened here. It did not break us, but it taught us. I hid this in my heart as I prepared for my trip to Atlanta. 

Guard the good thing that God has entrusted to you Anita. It's your blessing, but it's also your responsibility!

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