Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why celebrate?

There are so many holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and special occassions. We are given a new reason to party almost every day. As Ecclesiastes says, there is a time for every purpose under heaven. Not taking time to love, appreciate  and remember your loved ones can cause you to be discontent, ungrateful and eben bitter. Just as we need to recall God's blessings in the past, we need to recognize the people in our lives who have helped, shared and encouraged us to be who we are today. Time is moving faster now more than ever. We are tempted to complain and work ourselves to death instead of taking the time to rest, reflect and admire the people, places and things that make our lives as comfortable as they are.

So for every birthday, every Mother's or Father's Day, anniversary and graduation, i want my loved ones to know that my life has been made more fulfilling by their presence, encouragement and smile. Celebrate! Party! Encourage someone in your life on their special day. You never know when it will be the last time to say "Thank You", "I love you" or " You are appreciated".

What if you do your part to celebrate others but don't feel the love for yourself? I very often feel under appreciated and I must very often remember that God HIMSELF rejoices over little ole' ME! God smiles on my life and I can walk pleasing to Him. I am accepted in the beloved. Hallelujah! For cleaning that mess, wiping those tears, fasting & praying for a need, giving out of lack, transporting so and so for the empteenth time...the list goes on and on. But, even if no one else gives a hoot, heaven went bananas when I accepted Christ, got baptized and when I share Jesus to a person and they accept Him into their lives! Not only that, but the biggest party of all is still to come! Heaven. Wow, just the thought excites me!

Imagine Jesus. He taught, He healed, He delivered, He forgives over and over and over and over AND He is still praying for us! What more could he do to show His love than to give His very life for His beloved?? Sheesh. Can he get a little respect? Can someone show Him some love? A thank you even? Of all the people who deserve it, He does. So let's celebrate Jesus everyday! His time will come when every knee will bow to Him and every tongue will call Him Lord. And so will mine.

"Well done Anita! You have been a good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of my kingdom!"

Mother's Day 2014


  1. You are absolutely right almost everyday is a great day to celebrate. I love how involved in your faith you are!

    1. Why not celebrate right? Each day is a gift. Faith in God also gives me great reason to be joyful always ๐Ÿ˜†

  2. Yes, you should always celebrate. Tomorrow is promised to no one!

  3. This is a great reason to celebrate and heaven is going bananas for. I know I am sure happy when friends know Jesus

  4. Absolutely agree with you on this. You have to find a reason to celebrate. Nothing is permanent.

    1. Yes! Every day I try to find something positive - a reason to smile. It's healthy.

  5. So true. We should always celebrate and show our appreciation and gratitude to our loved ones.

    1. So many people do not know their worth. How will they know what they mean to us if we do not tell them? Thanks for reading!

  6. I think celebrating is a very important thing, you never know what might be around the corner.

    1. No one knows what tomorrow holds but God. The present is all we have.

  7. Life is too short and goes way too fast to not make the most of it. Every single little thing deserves celebration!

    1. Way too short!! O my goodness, yes. You blink and it's been 10 years! Lol

  8. It is true that there is a time for everything. It's best to just go with whatever comes your way.

    1. We do not always know what is best for us. Best to trust God with direction too. Thanks for reading!

  9. Celebrations are for life to give a meaning to. They are time to come closer to who we love.

  10. I love celebrating, everything from traditional holidays to life's little moments. It's an excuse to get together with people you love and share in joy.

    1. I feel the same way. It's people that make the holiday :)

  11. So true, so important to get together and celebrate moments and make memories. That is what makes life so great!

  12. Having lost many loved ones, everyday is a special day. A day that needs to celebrated and cherished as does our loved ones.

  13. Great post, Just waking up to see another day is a celebration for me. Time is so short and tomorrow isn't promised we have to live everyday like its our last and let our loved ones know we care


  14. I think we too often forget how precious each day is. Thank you for sharing!

    Elizabeth Keene

    1. Yes. It is easy to forget to "count your blessings" as they say. Good mothers are a sweet reminder.

  15. You are absolutely right! We should celebrate and thank God for everyday that we have with our loved ones!

    1. We often do not think about it until they are gone. Today is a good day to love and appreciate them! Thanks for reading.


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