Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Sunny Mother's Day!

Mama Tru and I at the National Day of Prayer event - May 2, 2013

It is a beautiful thing to have a mother that prays for her children. Whether they are yet to be born, babies in diapers or teens rolling their eyes, she loves them. Maurice lost his mother at a young age and so we get to spoil my mom every year and teach our children to honor their's.

Enjoying God's creation while watching the boys
While I look forward to watching our boys get older, I am also nervous about the future. My mom said the same thing to us when we were younger. The world is changing and getting darker by the minute. Will our boys be able to navigate the new challenges that the future brings. Well, God tells us not to worry about tomorrow. Today is a gift - the present. So today, I will sit in the grass and enjoy every minute of this Mother's Day weekend!

Mother's Day May, 2013

Mom and Us on Mother's Day

Legacy is important. We teach our children to honor us as parents by honoring our own. We teach them to honor God as Father by honoring Him as well!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Children are more adaptable than adults. I think with your guidance they'll pleasantly surprise you with how well they turn out.

    1. That is every Mother's hope right? We do the best we can and leave the rest to the Lord. He is the Creator. He formed them in our wombs. I'm glad He has a plan because some days I'm absolutely clueless! Lol

  2. As the baby of 4 siblings, I try to show my mom that all her hard work for us does not go unnoticed. :)

    1. There were 3 of us and we try to be creative in our appreciation as well. Good moms are so deserving of anything we can do for them!

  3. Yes, today is a gift, let's enjoy every single minute of it with our families. Happy Mother's Day!

  4. What a wonderful family. Values passed down from generations is such a beautiful thing!

  5. Awww! What a sweet post! This really makes me miss my Mom! Yours is a definate keeper. A praying Mom is the best Mom in the world! Treasure her!

    1. She is. Mother's Day is so hard for many. But there are so many beautiful women to celebrate. There are no prayers like a mom's prayer!

  6. Amen! I totally agree! It is truly a blessing to have a mother who prays for her children unceasingly. Even I am afraid of the future, but we just need to trust God

  7. What wonderful Mother's Day memories! Being a mom and mothering children seems so rewarding and this is a great reminder of what a wonderful mom I have been blessed with!

  8. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend! I know the feeling. Watching your kids grow can be such a blessing

  9. After losing other loved ones, we need to cherish every moment with those that we love. It is wonderful that you can spoil your mother so much. Enjoy your Mother's Day this year.

    1. True. I definitely spoil my mom when I can! ๐Ÿ˜Š


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