Monday, May 20, 2013

Discipleship begins at home part II

You may be thinking where is part I of this blog? Well I'm glad you asked! If you go HERE, you will find it!


One of my regular dilemmas is keeping my boys busy with wholesome, entertaining activity of substance. Sure they have the movies, tv, videos and modern things but they are Kingdom kids. To disciple them to be disciple-makers takes work!

Here are a few of my go-to "disciple them on the sly" activites.

1. For your reading homework,  use your bible as a text. Surprisingly, there is no opposition to this. They have their own bibles and cool bookmarkers to go in them. Kaz loves to share with me what he has read and even memorized on his own!

2. Very cool websites! I am a sucker for FREE christian stuff for my kids. Recently, I have fallen in love with these in particular:

The G.C. (Great Commission) Kidz Club
You can get free maps, a passport for your kids and tradeable GC cards of kids around the globe! - There are numerous resouorces, videos and downloads all for free here. Many include curriculum for bible lessons. Love it! (by the Diggar kids) - This is a fun way to introduce missions to your video game addicted kids. It's safe and free! 

Did I mention that all this stuff was free? Lol!

Another great resource (although NOT free) is the Precept series for kids entitled "Discover 4 Yourself".
I suggest these for grades 2 and up. Makaz will start his this summer. It gives kids a method to studying the bible inductively. 

3. Go outside! We have fun playing basketball,  going geocaching, riding bikes and swimming. Read about Geocaching here:

4. Making our own movies! I tried this one day and now the boys have too much fun acting, directing and editing their films. The sequels are unending!

5. Last but not hardly least - being a great example of discipleship to them. They say thay more is caught than taught. I find this to be so true. I make sure to have my quiet times in the morning and my sons want to join me. "I can wake up early too" they tell me. Well, my quiet time is MINE, but.....I did teach them how to have their own even if it is at the same time as mine.

My heartfelt prayer is that they will be thoroughly prepared to share Christ and to suffer for His name because that us what happens to true disciples.

Mother's Day 2013

Please share with me some of YOUR favorite resources and ideas for ministering to chidren! I would love to hear them!

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