Thursday, May 16, 2013

Eternally Vain

I have been reading in the book of Ecclesiastes lately. It can be a depressing book unless you realize the point. Life is useless, pointless and has no merit or value apart from a thriving relationship with God. All that you do is for nothing unless there is eternal significance attached, Attach eternity to your purpose and it becomes a game-changer. I have been highlighting words like eternal and everlasting in my bible as well. Few things meet this criteria. 

Life can be eternal as promised by Jesus Christ to those who believe. Jesus can to give abundant life on earth and eternal life in heaven. O to be with Him throughout eternity!

God's Kingdom also has no end. This is so important to me. Of all the rulers, kings and leaders of the world, only the kingdom of God will last.

The Word of God lasts forever. No wonder the Bible has been the most popular, biggest seller and lasting text of all time. In fact, it will outlast time itself!

So the question becomes....what have you done that is eternally praiseworthy? The answer is nothing. Only when we join in thee works of Jesus can the vanity of life be altered to garner any significance. This can only mean that whatever you do for Christ will last and last and last. Some people are concerned with gaining money to leave for their children or gaining land for future exploits. My choice today is to impact my world for Jesus Christ. My legacy will be an eternal one. How about you? Let's make the choice today to not let one more day be in vain.


  1. Amen! Bro. Maurice and Sis. Anita, I thoroughly enjoyed this post message on Ecclesiastes. The book truly is about the meaning of life and God dealt with me concerning this message about 4 years ago when I almost had a death experience, reexamining my life's purpose and God's will for me life. I know I had been working for eternal life for over 22 years at the time and I thought I really knew my purpose, God called me into the ministry and I was ordained and was preaching his word. He let me realize that He still had something else he wanted me to do. I had just recently finished college with a degree in Administrative Office Technology with a Diploma in Administrative Support. I had potential prospects lined up and I thought this was what I really wanted to do but God rearranged my plans and now I am truly sold out to him. I said yes, again to the LORD and He truly has taken me to another lever of anointing and I the things in life that I once strove for are vanity. My life's pursuit is seeking God and he is feeding me until I want no more of anything but Him. I am here now with one purpose now and it's to win souls for Christ, to uplift and inspire others to serve Jesus Christ with a passion. Thank you for sharing, I have been blessed by this post. May God bless you and have a bless week in the LORD!

  2. So glad that you were blessed! Our light afflications have an eternal weight of glory. May the Lord bless you as well.


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