Thursday, May 23, 2013

Submission as a spiritual discipline

Whoever God loves he disciplines. He is the vine, we are the branches. If we are going to be true disciples, it is going to cost everything, not just the things you are willing to give up. I confess, for me it is a lot. For me discipleship looks like submission to my husband as the Lord revealed to me today. I was struck by the verse in 1st Peter that mentions Jesus willingness to be crucified on the cross and directly afterwards it says likewise likewise wives are to submit to their husbands. So God already knows that this is a difficult thing. He is already aware that it is not music to most women ears. But what are you really really willing to give up for Jesus?

I have been reading "Not a fan". I asked the Lord to prune me and to show me areas of my life where I have not completely surrendered to Him. This is one. I confess. It is hard to do. But the Word of God clearly says to submit to your husband as unto the Lord. If I am committed to follow Jesus Christ who is my Lord and he told me to follow my husband then it is only logical to be a submissive wife. Is it easy? No way! However if it is what my Lord commands, I will do it.

Please leave it in the comments for me the name of any disciple who had it easy. Please give me the scripture reference for any follower of Christ that was comfortable in their walk and did not have a thorn in the flesh or Satan on their tail.

In my opinion, marriage is a spiritual discipline all its own. There is no greater there has been no greater test of my face then my marriage. It is the most difficult thing for me too completely surrender to God because I have a great idea of what it should look like. My husband should love every idea I have and do things my way. Sound familiar? However, if I am to be a disciple it is not about my will, but God’s will that must be accomplished in my life. So starting today, I am determined to live the life of discipleship starting with my marriage. Yes, I know I will be made fun of. Yes, I know that people will call me strange. However, if I looked just like everyone else and if I acted just like everyone else I would not be a disciple of Christ. If I do not hate my father mother sister and brother as Jesus says, how could I be his disciple?

Other people's opinions are insignificant to me at this point. Of course I will obey my husband IN the Lord and not OUT of the Lord's will. But how many times has he asked me to do something simple and I refused? God forgive me. I will repent which means that I will turn away from what I was doing and head in a different direction. Starting today. How about you?

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