Marriage Routines??

You may be thinking to yourself "What on earth is a marriage routine?", and "What should be so routine about marriage anyway?". We are so glad that you asked.

One of the things that people so often complain about is that their marriage is routine and boring. Day in and day out is so redundant and similar to the day before.

However, we want you to explore the idea that things that become a habit seemed to last a bit longer. There are some things in your marriage that if put to practice on a regular basis can actually transform your relationship and give it more of longevity.

Have you ever noticed that older couples who have been together a long time often die very close to one another? They are so accustom to a daily routine together that life just does not seem possible to manage without their spouse.  We are not suggesting that you cannot live without your spouse or that life is bleak without another person, but having a marriage routine can often compliment your life and make your marriage, surprisingly, more exciting.

Just looking forward to something with your spouse can be a game changer. Here are some daily examples:

Planning a date or meal together regularly.

Not leaving home without a hug or kiss.

Watching a tv show together.

Here are some weekly examples:

Going shopping

Fasting together for spiritual health

Preparing for an annual vacation together

Going to church as a family weekly

Here are some monthly examples:

Planning large puchases (car, boat, degree)

Attending and celebrating family birthdays and holidays

Volunteering or doing ministry together

Another way to add routine to your marriage is by doing something for your spouse on a regular basis. One of you may be the one who makes the bed every day or one of you may be the one who washes your spouse's car on a regular basis. One spouse may normally cut hair for the other or do all the ironing for their spouse.

In order for this type of routine to add to the marriage longevity, one has to think of it as a service. You serve because you love.

Routines can also change. Perhaps you need to spice up your marriage by changing or adding a new routine. Here are a few ideas:

Attend a marriage conference together yearly

Have a regular couple's night with others

Get monthly massages together

Pick up a sport or hobby together regularly

Write a note, card or love letter to your spouse on a regular basis (or as a surprise)

These are just a few ideas you two can routinely do together. There are also many more that you can explore. Plan out a calendar of things just for you and your spouse to enjoy together routinely and you will notice a difference in your marriage.


  1. These are lovely ideas! My husband and I eat dinner together and sit on the couch together everyday after he finishes work

    1. Beautiful! The word "routine" may sound scary or fake to some, but good habits, done regularly, bring glory to God.

  2. We do! Thanks. So grateful to know the "Name above all Names" - Jesus Christ!


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