Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to Stay Married for a DECADE

Ten years with one person is a long time these days. Statistics show that over fifty percent of U.S. marriages are lasting no more than seven years. That itch for divorce is real!

When we reached ten years, we celebrated with a very romantic trip to a secluded, privately owned cabin in Hocking Hills, Ohio. It was just the two of us. How did we get to that point? Well, let us share our How To's. This is by no means an all-inclusive list, but we think that there are some things that we will share, that other couples do not make a priority. So here goes...

1. Put God first. We have said it before and we will say it again. God authored marriage and He holds it together. You MUST pray regularly for yourself and your spouse daily.

2. Be kind. Politeness goes a long way in a marriage. Treat your spouse like you would a stranger and it makes a huge difference.

3. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Always assume that your spouse has your best interest at heart and never intend to hurt you purposefully. This is something that we discovered many years into our marriage. It's a game-changer!

4. Communicate not just daily, but throughout the day. We text, call, write and send messages to each other religiously. Even a simple "I love you" or "How are you doing" at any time means that you are being thought of and we ALL want that!

5. Spend time with other couples. Our church has a great group of couples that meets monthly. It is very refreshing to know that you are not in this alone. Make group dates a priority.

6. Ask them what they want from you. Do not assume in sex or otherwise that you know just what your spouse needs. It is best to ask and to listen to the answer, then do, buy or say what they prefer.

7. Let your spouse know your limits. You really have to let your spouse know what you can and cannot tolerate from them. In our relationship, being flirty is a no-no. Define your own boundaries and do not cross them!

8. Celebrate your anniversary. This is really important. You always need to remember your why. Why did we marry? Look at the picture and videos. Do something special on that day every year. Never forget.

9. Join the same church. We cannot understate this! We know couples that have lasted more than ten years and they attend different congregations, but we do not recommend this. You need to be on the same page as far as your belief systems.

10. Have sex. Plan it if you have to, but make it happen regularly. Never have your spouse question whether or not you are still interested in them physically. It hurts deeply. Be the chaser and the chased who gets caught. Do your research on your issues and work it out. (pun intended)

Hopefully, these ten tips will help you on your way to having a long successful marriage til death do you part. That really is the ultimate goal. Never forget that. "...With God all things are possible." (Mark 10:23-27


  1. Thank you; I'll definitely do & keep some of these things in mind!


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