Friday, February 1, 2019

Building marriages with Date Night In Box!

We were so excited to be gifted our first date box from Date Night In!! Ours was a date night in faith box too! It is so fabulous when people recognize the beauty of marriage and encouraging that union and that is exactly what this box did for us!

*This blogpost contains information from our affiliate sponsor and prize eligibility*

The box topic was FOUNDATION. It came with straws, candy lego blocks, jelly bellies, sticky popsicle sticks and instructions. We had three projects to complete together. We also had an amazing pre-prepared playlist to listen to as we worked together. Our favorite song was Winter Wonderland by Earth, Wind and Fire!

Project #1 - Build a candle-holder from the popsicle sticks provided and place the candle in it.

Project #2 - Build a foundation or structure to support the box that the date came in.

Project #3 - Build a tower to support one jellybelly on top and then place it on top.

This was no easy feat for us! First of all it was madly tempting to eat all the candy before we could get pictures of our constructed work. Secondly, it was just plain difficult. Our patience was tried, but we had so much fun putting it all together.

Each popsicle had a foundational truth about our marriage. We had to describe what we are building our marriage on. That part actually came easiest to us. You can see some of our words in the pictures. We did not end up using all of the sticks, but we finally had a working structure and put our candle inside.

The next two projects had to get our box at least two inches off the table. Maurice used our "bricks" for height while I constructed a platform from the jellybellies and toothpicks. "Somebody ate all the rest of the at this point, lol.

We stacked our box on top of the bricks once our foundation was complete. That phase was done. It reminds me of how marriage is a constant build. You think you are done, but there is always another test, trial, process or mountain to climb!

The very last part was to use the straws to construct a stand for the last jellybelly and to place it on top. We thought that this would be the very hardest part of our build, but it took less than 5 minutes. We used the tape provided in our box to put three straws together (guess what they represented to us?) and then our jellybelly happily sat on top!! Voila!

The foundation of any marriage is important! What you use to build with, then, is paramount (pun totally intended!). Ours is built on Christ and we elevate Him each other and all else!

YOU can get these date boxes from Date Night In Box here! With Valentine's Day right around the corner, it is a good time to order yours now! You can select a regular date night in box or a date night in faith box as we did!

Better yet, you can WIN a #DateNightInBox from us!! We will pick a winner in time for Valentine's Day from all those who 1) Subscribe and 2) Leave a comment sharing with us what YOUR relationship is built on!


  1. This is such a cool and unique idea - I am not married, but I absolutely love this, and I will be sure to share with some of my friends who are!

    1. Yes! Please share. We loved ours. It is one of the most unique boxes that we have come across!

  2. What a fun way to strengthen the foundation of marriage! Our marriage is also built on Christ as the foundation, so it is extra helpful to have the faith box as a choice. Thanks for sharing!!
    Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Best foundation ever!! Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. Thanks for reading :)

  3. Oh wow! This is incredible! IT seems like a super fun way to get both partners involved!

    1. Yes! So very involved. There is so much to do PLUS a devotional!

  4. What an awesome idea for mixing up the same old date night. I'll have to do this with my GF.

    1. Yeah...don't be boring. These are boxes to make memories with!

  5. Simply Great , this is such an exclusive as well as exciting way of building relationship . Marriages may be made in Heaven but they are absolutely strengthened with DateNightInBox.

  6. I love these projects that you do together to symbolize your love and truth in faith together. This is really beautiful!

  7. This is such a creative way of bonding well in a relationship. This is a good for married people.

    1. I love how that more creative options are becoming available!

  8. Date night for us has always been movie or dinner out, so this is a completely new idea and I am totally loving this concept of spending time doing things together.

    1. Wonderful! Glad thst we were able to give you a little variety and a new idea!

  9. This is a great idea! My husband and I recently started putting our kids LEGO sets together and it has been quite fun spending that time together!

    1. I know. Just doing sime activities together does wonders for relationships. You don't need tons of money, just intentionality.

  10. At first glance one might see this as silly, but it’s actually a good thing to be silly with your spouse. I can see my husband and me having a blast with this!

  11. Wow I love this, such a great idea. I and my wife will definitely try this out for a stronger bond

  12. I love subscription boxes, but I've never heard of this one. Sounds like a good one.

  13. These are so creative and artsy! Looks like you guys really had fun.

    1. We really did!! Makes a great Valentine's Day activity.

  14. What a great idea for a date box. I wish i thought of that. Looks like it was a fun and reflective way to strengthen the foundation of marriage! Thanks for sharing!!

  15. i've never heard of this subscription box. but i like the concept

  16. Well this is so much fun. This would be perfect as a Valentine's Day gift. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Some really helpful advice and tips here! I am not married or dating anyone at the moment, but will remember this for future :) x

  18. This is such an interesting concept! We've been married for 15 and together for 21, but I think these activities would work for us too.


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