Monday, July 11, 2016

A Hospitable Host

Would you be considered a hospitable person? Is the party always at your house? Are people welcome at all times no matter how clean your home is? Are you willing to share what you have with others? Or, maybe you are not. Perhaps people already know that you are not up for visitors...ever. You are just "not that person". You may visit others but you would prefer to be home. Alone. What gives you that desire to extend hospitality or to withhold it?

Listen to what the Bible says about hospitality. 1 Peter 4:9 says to offer hospitality without complaining. Other verses say that leaders should have a hospitable spirit about them. Being a christian does not mean that you should be an extrovert, it just implies that you are willing to share Jesus by using what you have. You may not host 100 people, but inviting 1 person over for coffee or tea to discuss their issue in light of scripture is being a light!

Allowing the Holy Spirit into your life and accepting His invitation makes you a hospitable host as well. Your life is His home and we should make Him welcome. Give the Lord access to even the hidden, dirty, messy and unkept parts of you. Everything in your life does not need to be perfect to let Him in. He wants to clean you up and set you up as a model home! 

Prayer: Lord, make me an example of a model home for You. You are welcome into every aspect of my life. Let me use what I have available to be a light for you. All I have is Yours. My house is your house in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Action: When was the last time you hosted at your home. Invite someone over for food and fellowship.

Watch the Scope:

Hubby on the grill preparing for guests

Part of our yummy spread for the outdoor picnic we hosted

Taking a moment to enjoy each other's company with my mom <3

Friends and family celebrating birthdays

Hamming it up with the guys

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