Sunday, July 3, 2016

The End is what?

The end of the world is NEAR!! It's so not a cliche anymore. Everyone is aware of the devastation happening in the world and how God is being pushed aside in all facets of life in schools, businesses and even in the Church. How are we to repond to these end-times?

Well, first we must be aware, awake and alert. I used to not watch the news at all. I was afraid that I would hear some bad news to ruin my day. However, the Lord has taught me to take another perspective. I now take those burdens to the Lord in prayer. I whisper a prayer to the Holy Spirit - my Comforter. It is an opportunity to pray over each terrorist attack, each school shooting, grieving families, homosexual movie stars and people who are lost and searching for answers.

I thought that prayer would be depressing and upset me, but as I pray I find that my burdens for all this bad news are becoming lighter. I am actually looking forward to "the end". Perspective is important. If we focus on the wrong things happening around us and do not have a place "to put them", they become a part of us and no good comes of that, but if we hand them over to God, he replaces our fears and concerns with His peace.

Although I am still not a big fan of the news, I do keep up with what is happening. God did not tell His people to run and hide from the world. He says that we should not conform to it. When things happen that disturb you and make you uncomfortable, run to the Comforter!

Prayer: Lord, we are saddened by people's lack of trust and hope in You. Let these things bring us to our knees instead of bringing us into depression. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Watch the local news. Make a list of things to pray about. Attach a scripture to each one and pray the Word of God over the situation. Pray for God's peace and leave your list at the altar in your heart.

Watch the scope:

The War Room in our home. The map is to pray over world news.

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