Monday, July 25, 2016

Fifteen Things We Know about Marriage!

Our African themed celebration. See social media for more pics!

On July 21st at 11:30am we were officially celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. It has been a rollercoaster in many ways. We wanted to share with our readers just a few words of advice from one couple to another and pray that it encourages you to your 15th year and beyond! 
  1. Laughing together is important. We have learned to laugh in good and bad times. We realized that we both have this nervous giggle...and we think it's funny. Laughter is like medicine for your marriage! Proverbs 17:22
  2. Be your spouse's biggest cheerleader. When we do well at something, we congratulate each other. We also spur each other on to do even more. Hebrews 10:24, 1 Thessalonians 5:11
  3. Have a grace space. Let your spouse talk to you and you talk to them. We all need to listen and give each other time to share what is on our hearts. We try to do this weekly and going to bed furious with your spouse never works well. James 4:7-10, Ephesians 4:26
  4. Forgive quickly. It really does heal your heart and that of your mate. James 5:16
  5. Pray with and for each other. You will not meet all of the needs of your spouse, only God can do that; so ask for His wisdom in how to love them best in a way they understand. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  6. Children are a blessing, but not your first priority. Your marriage relationship requires time and effort. Make sure the kids understand this and they will be better prepared for marriage as well. Amos 3:3
  7. Eat together. There is nothing like the bond formed over a shared meal. The Church ate together and marriage is a picture of Christ and His Church. You have to eat, so eat together at least once a day! Acts 2:46
  8. Date whenever and however you can! Get creative. It is important that you keep the flame lit. You are not dating to get to know each other per se, but it is to have fun together & make memories. 
  9. Find at least 2 things in common that you both enjoy. Lots of couples are opposites, but when the kids are gone, you do not want to be strangers. Find a new hobby or gain some mutual interests.
  10. Keep folks out of your business. We learned that not everyone has our best interests at heart. Keep your marriage between the two of you unless you are speaking with a Godly marriage mentor (like us) or a counselor.
  11. Be the peacemaker. When we argue (yes, it happens), we try to be the first one to make peace. Matthew 5:9
  12. Have LOTS of sex and touch often. Intimacy happens all day every day even if you don't actually do the deed. Touching like hugs, kisses and a slap on the butt or holding hands keep you "in the mood". Proverbs 5:19, Song of Solomon
  13. Common courtesy goes a long way. Don't treat strangers better than your spouse. Saying thank you and excuse me go a long way when you live with someone. Love is not rude. 1 Corinthians 13
  14. Learn how to help in sickness. It is important to take care of each other even if one of you is not a We have learned to serve each other and comfort in sickness. It is seldom discussed regarding marriage, but important! Jeremiah 31:4
  15. Encourage other couples. Wherever you are in your marriage, you can edify another couple. Let's decrease the rate of divorce by being open and willing to share our hardships and our victories. No marriage is an island!


  1. I love this list. I hope one day to be lucky enough to put it into action with someone :)

  2. Absolutely adore this!!! Such a beautiful reminder. My husband and I go over our weekly questions every Sunday and we have found that helps a lot too!


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