What ignoring Social Media did to my marriage

I quit social media for a month. It had some unexpected consequences and delightful rewards.


We didn't know what was going on. When I stopped checking facebook, instagram, twitter and snapchat, I lost communication with several hundreds of people. I suddenly realized that I missed my online friends. Some of our mutual marriage friends didn't even realize that we were silent online. I also realized who some of my real friends really were too.

We realized that we missed capturing daily moments through pictures and sharing in real time. Life slowed down a bit which was great for Maurice, but less adventurous for me. I actually like a faster pace of life.


We used the phone more and sent cards. My real friends actually missed me before 31 days were up. Deaths, weddings and funerals happened and instead of sending a post, we sent cards.

Those closest to us also reached out "just because". Real friends don't need a reason.

We had so much more time to spend together uninterrupted by the dings and vibrations of notifications. We had longer conversations as well. Imagine that!

We had more sex. Enough said.

We sent more texts to each other instead of other people. Maybe it was filling the gap that social media had left, but we definitely increased communication digitally and in person.

So obviously, the benefits of fasting from social media outweighed the consequences in our marriage. Maybe you should give it a try. Life does go on online without you, and your spouse may thank you in more ways than one!


  1. It is always a good idea to take a step back, bravo for sending cards and reconnecting verbally with people. I tried to do this on a regular basis, however I don’t know if I could go 31 days.

    1. I wasn't sure about a month-long break either, but I did it and it was worth it 😊

  2. I need to do a social media cleanse like this!!

    1. If we do it for our bodies, doesn't hurt to do it for our minds I guess 😊

  3. I really need to do this! I’m on social media way too much and it can really become overwhelming!

    1. Yeah. I found myself engrossed in such very unimportant things. No one has time to waste really.

  4. You had me at more sex I won’t lie, but this is such a great experiment! I may actually try this!

  5. Some people definitely need to step away from social media. Luckily my hubby doesn't use it at all and I use it mostly for work or to stay in touch with family since leaving the UK. From the get go I turned off all notifications that go to my phone, I found it sooooooooooo irritating to get beeps so frequently, so now the only time I know about anything is when I'm on my computer, which is fine because that's when I'm working. I love that you ended up connecting more to your husband, that is so important.

    1. I think that unfortunately, relationships with those closest to you suffer the most when we get addicted to social media. It's a crazy thought to lose touch with the person closest to you when you haven't gone anywhere!

  6. It's hard to find a social media balance sometimes. Taking a break is nice. Before we had home internet, we spent lots of time together instead of together on our devices.

    1. Right. Quality time has been redefined for sure! Thanks for reading.

  7. I love a social media fast. It may just be the perfect thing for us all. I do remember life without social media - or email for that matter!! (okay, I'm dating myself =). Its a good thing my dear. Hope you do it again soon! =)

    1. There is definitely life beyong the screen. Lol!! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. We all need a break from time to time. It's important from time to time. 👍😊

  9. Yes agreed, I also need a break from Social Media for some days to spend some quality time. Thanks for sharing your experience. :)

  10. You are very welcome! Thanks for reading 😊


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