Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

Just recently, one of our sons came to us expressing his new crush for some girl. Wondering who in the world this special girl could be, we asked him and he refused to share that information. Imagine that! Our 12 year-old wanted advice about what to give this girl for Valentine's Day, so we had a talk about treating older women as mothers and younger women as sisters (I Timothy 5:2). Not sure if that is what he was expecting, but we think it went ok.

BUT....As our special Valentine's Day gift to YOU, we have three blogposts that we would like to re-introduce to you. Hope that you enjoy reading whether married or not! Leave a comment or two. We love to hear from our subscribers!


  1. I love that your son came to you and wanted your option. This goes to show how much he loves, respects, and trusts you and your opinion.

    1. We are so glad that they feel comfortable enough to do so! Hoping that if we provide a loving atmosphere through our relationship, that they won't have it so rough. More is caught than taught for sure!

  2. Awww that's too cute! I remember going through the same thing at that age!


    1. It will probably be a new girl next month, lol πŸ˜‚

  3. That's awesome your son came to you about his crush and wanted your opinion about a present for her. That says a lot about the relationship he has with you!!

  4. That is so sweet that he came to you. He values as trusts your opinion and that is so important!

    1. Ww will enjoy it while it lasts! Thanks for reading 😊

  5. That's really amazing that your son feels comfortable and trusting to come speak to you. It truly shows how much he respects and values your opinion

    1. I hope that we always have a relationship like this ❤😊


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