Friday, April 27, 2018

Kissing for your Health!

It's TRUE! I am not just saying that because I am a nursing educator. Obviously, I have bonafide statistical, analytical reasoning behind such a statement. But I have to also say, that I know it to be true myself. As one who has kissed and been kissed for many years, I have a wealth of knowledge regarding this. Lol. Ok, so let's get to the real deal here.

A really good passionate kiss on the lips will stimulate a lot of things including more blood to your tissues and saliva to your mouth. It lowers your blood pressure and can help with cramps. It also feels good because you are releasing your happy hormone - oxytocin. It is a neurotransmitter that tells your brain that your body feels good and it also decreases your stress.

When you have all that extra saliva, it actually strengthens your gums and teeth also. Without moisture in your mouth, you are more prone to dental caries and other gum diseases. Dry mouths are uncomfortable anyway, so tell your spouse that you need a kiss for your health! Just make sure that your teeth are brushed and your breath is fresh :)

We "try" to kiss often because it really does connect you physically and emotionally to your mate. Touch is a need and couples need it most. I have spoken and mentored to wives who were starving for some physical attention. Just one touch from some other member of the opposite sex could be a turn on because they are not getting that particular need met at home.
July 2001
It is more than a love language, touch is a marriage glue!
Let me explain. The Bible tells us that it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). It also tells us that Eve, his wife desired the fruit that would lead to her sin. It is a desire to experience some sort of oral pleasure. Freud, an extremely popular psychoanalyst, has theorized that there are 5 phases of psychosexual development and that the first is oral. From birth we come to understand that our health and well-being is centered around what we do with our mouths. That is carried in to adulthood and we recognize and remember what makes us happy. Eating is one way, kissing is another. Maybe if Adam was busying Eve with the reproduce and multiply assignment from God.....jk (I digress).

However, not everyone is a kisser per se. For example, a light peck is ok for some, but other spouses may complain that they don't get those epic, passionate 5-hour make-out sessions that they see on TV. Let me give you some advice:
DO NOT compare your relationship to anyone else's - real or imagined!
Decide with your spouse what works for you. You may have to give a few more kisses or not quite so many. Your husband or wife may have a fantasy of kissing in a certain way. Why not try it? There is a time to kiss and a time to refrain from kissing as well just like everything else (Ecclesiastes 3). Some guys shy away from lipstick while others don't care. Sometimes location or ambiance is key. Your spouse may prefer a certain mood or music. Perhaps none of those things matter at all. But do Kiss! Do it for the culture. Do it for your health!


  1. This is a great way of showing how a couple are to be united under God

    1. Well, kissing is certainly one way! Thanks for reading :)

  2. Yes, kissing is the best! I never go a day without kissing my husband!

    1. Married folks should kiss the most in our opinion!

  3. Ah never knew this, Kissing has so many benefits for health and relationship.

  4. I have never given this much thought so now you have raisef the topic , I am analysing our habits . Lol

    1. Sometimes the little things are big things after all! Thanks for reading.

  5. I love this post. The connection you have with just a kiss.

  6. I had no idea that kissing was so important!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for reading Shweta :) Please subscribe!!

  8. The more I research, the more I find out! Obviously, we have stepped our game up 👄

  9. It's so important to keep the love going after the wedding, the power of a simple kiss is amazing!

    1. True! Any touch conveys care so kissing is perfect :)

  10. I am one that is fine with a peck. However my hubby after 25 years is getting upset and wants more kisses. I don't want him reading this. Lol but maybe I will have to try for our health.


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