Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

Just recently, one of our sons came to us expressing his new crush for some girl. Wondering who in the world this special girl could be, we asked him and he refused to share that information. Imagine that! Our 12 year-old wanted advice about what to give this girl for Valentine's Day, so we had a talk about treating older women as mothers and younger women as sisters (I Timothy 5:2). Not sure if that is what he was expecting, but we think it went ok.

BUT....As our special Valentine's Day gift to YOU, we have three blogposts that we would like to re-introduce to you. Hope that you enjoy reading whether married or not! Leave a comment or two. We love to hear from our subscribers!

Friday, February 9, 2018

What am I supposed to do?

So many times during prayer I have asked this question: What am I supposed to do? We all feel that we have a grand purpose and I believe that is God's design. We were all created to do something in a way that no one else can for the glory of God. However, discerning God's will for your life can be daunting. Discerning God's will for your marriage can be quite the task as well (especially if you have never even had that thought). Many people mistakenly think that their marriage is for their pleasure alone - not so. God brings two people together in a relationship because He has work for them to do. You may even feel that your spouse's purpose is more defined than yours.

We want to share some biblical insight on purpose, how to figure out what yours is and what it means for your marriage.


The only way to know what you were created for is to ask the Creator. However, in addition to the obvious, step back and take a look at your life. Every person involved, every situation, job, illness, defeat and victory brought you to this current place. God has been showing you all along that your life has meaning. You can now tell stories that were made possible by the hardships that you have experienced. You need to share them. You can now pass on the wisdom that you have gained from your mistakes. You need to apply it. 

And then there is your marriage. Think back to how many things had to line up in order for you to meet and marry your spouse. There may have been prior relationships that had to fail for you to be here. Perhaps going to that library, being introduced to that person, joining that church or sitting in a certain place just long enough led to the next thing and the next and the next. At some point crucial decisions were made and God nudged you to the next place in His design for your life that leads to your purpose and His glory.

After praying and pondering over what got you here, think about your personal gifts, talents abilities and desires. You are good at something and you need to pursue it. Other people have told you that they "see" something in you and maybe you ignored it. Well now is the time to unearth what lies beneath. Don't bury your treasures, give them back to God. Ask Him to show you how, when and where and He will.

Before we met, we both had the same desire in ministry. It was unique and specific - Couples' Ministry. We were surprised to find out that we both wanted to serve the Lord in that way. It sealed the deal for our marriage. After all...who would listen to single people about maintaining a Godly marriage. It happens, but I digress. So, in our case, we both were seeking the Lord for our purpose and had prayed about it. We knew that marriage was God's plan for both of us and we began walking towards God in that direction. One thing led to another and we were in a marriage group at church, then we led groups. We started groups and mentored other couples in our home. We were asked to speak at a marriage conference and this blog was formed. We do not know what happens next, but we do not have to. We are supposed to trust God. Life works best that way.

Once you surrender to God's purpose for you, it becomes His issue to work out the details of your life. 

Let go of the reigns and watch God line up the things of your past and present and formulate a beautiful, God-honoring future! What are you supposed to do? Let me tell you. With all your heart, you are supposed to seek God's kingdom before your own (Matthew 6:33, KJV). You are supposed to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31, KJV). 

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man (Ecclesiastes 12:13, KJV).

Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...