3 Steps to a Regret-Free Marriage
It is not often discussed, but it should be. People regret things in their marriages - their choice of a spouse, words spoken in haste, moments of poor decision-making. How can we live a life that does not carry marriage regret? Some would say that it is already too late to have a regret-free relationship. There have already been too many mistakes, do-overs and apologies. We would disagree. You see, in the same way that God forgives those who ask and tosses our wrongs into the sea of forgetfulness, our marriages can mirror that kind of grace. After sixteen years of marriage, we have learned that as a couple you have to make the decision not to live in the land of regret. Don't go there every time you have a disagreement. Some people feel that if they had another chance at marriage, their regrets would be less. So, they start over. Smh..... So now, they are making a whole other set of regrets with a new person and the cycle continues! Today, we want to give you three tips...