
Moderation, self-control and abstinence are terms for temperance. It is letting go of or holding back from something on purpose for a reason. Back in August I let go of something huge! It was my job. I let it go temporarily because of something more important - my husband. He needed my help and I was here for him. I let go of the confidence and recognition that I gain from being a professional educator for something less rewarding (at least here on earth). We let go of the security that money brings for a season.

As Wifestyle Image Network was finishing the #FruitSeries studies on periscope, we were having a family crisis. We had been all wrapped up in the fruit of the spirit mentioned in the book of Galatians, when Maurice was diagnosed with cancer. It was more than shocking to say the least.

I never even got a chance to finish the study on temperance because my life was already spiraling into something...different. I wasn't ready, but I thank God that I was full! You cannot teach lessons on the fruit of the spirit and not have it affect your life. I had been practicing, not perfecting but practicing love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness. So, I guess the Lord thought that I was time for me to practice them all together at the same time along with temperance.

My husband told me that this experience has made him more sympathetic to others who are ill and struggling. I feel the same way. It is changing me for the better. I am more sympathetic to caregivers and those who are going through hard experiences. It is a very hard, daily thing. When we attempt to help others, we kind of check it off of a list and go on about our day. No one really wants to enter into the experience it and "share" it, but I think that we can learn something huge here.

Part of temperance is giving up your comforts and securities for the needs of someone else. It is controlling your urge to make life all about you. This fruit of the spirit (like others) is not about me, myself and I. We could all benefit form scaling back from how much we take care of ourselves and give ourselves comfort and reach a hand out to those who have been suffering all this time.

It is good to help and even better to "share" the loads of others. Jesus literally put Himself in our place so that He could redeem us. He let go of heaven to be a part of sinful nature. What self-control He must have had to allow sin to be placed on Him on that cross! He entered into our sorrows and that is something that we really do try to avoid. So, I am wondering what else do we hold onto that could be let go for someone else? Maybe money or time or even our reputation. Those are three big things!

I pray that I am showing the fruit of the spirit in my everyday life. I hope that I am able to put aside my own inclinations so that I can properly represent Christ here in the earth. I certainly have ample opportunity now....but guess what, so do you!


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