September was a very rough month for our family. With everyone getting covid, including one of us ending up in the ICU, there was little time to keep updated in posting on the blog. But in every situation, we always look to hear for what God is saying. This past month, God reminds us that there is only one married life to live.
Ephesians 5: 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife , and they become one flesh.
Marriage is until death do us part. When illness happens, it reminds us how frail we are and how precious life is. It also reminds us that these relationships are temporary and most important above all others. We experience it together, as one. When one is hurting so is the other. When one is cheered, the other also experiences joy. The ribs cover the lungs. In Christ we live and breath, move and have our being (Acts 17:25-28). We are one flesh and we have one married life to share with each other.
Unlike the soap opera "One life to life", which started in 1968 and ran on television for more than 40 years, our relationships are not fictional. So how do we maximize the married lives that we have?
1. Thank God for the gift of life. Being intentionally grateful keeps you from complaining. We all could find something wrong at every moment. Choose to stay positive and hopeful even when there seems to be no reason to be. Help your spouse to do the same. When one of you is weak in faith, the other is usually stronger.
2. Overlook offences. At some point we feel as though we are owed better in marriage. Some say that they "didn't sign up for this". It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to show the type of humility that swallows hurt by someone so close. When offended we need to address the issue, then choose to continue to pray instead of retaliate if it is not resolved.
3. Enjoy your marriage and encourage your spouse. Something as simple as saying something genuinely kind to your marriage partner daily can keep your relationship headed in the right direction. Think of at least one thing (or a few) and then pray to the Lord for opportunities to convey your sentiments. You do not want to be fake. Ask God to prepare your heart.
Do not let anything harm your marriage. Stay faithful not just sexually, but faithful to do your part in marriage maintenance. You may have to "go first" in being grateful, overlooking offence or being encouraging but your relationship is worth it. We always say that marriage is ministry - one until death do us part.
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