Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Ten Months Later

It has been exactly ten months since our last post. A lot has changed that has changed us. And most of that is for the better. With all of the ups and downs of marriage we have made it to our twenty-one-year anniversary. What a feat, lol! 

So, in the spirit of a true recap, here are 10 things that have happened over the last ten months:

1. Our oldest son began driving. It was spooky yet, satisfying. Anita hates to drive so she was relieved. He is very good at driving and looks forward to passing his driver's license exam. Hopefully he sets a great example for the next kid.

2. Chemo continued. Although numbers stayed mostly the same, oncologists like to be on the safe side, so it's been weekly for a long time now. Maurice is a champion and lives every day to the fullest. You would never know anything was going on!

3. Our parents got older and frailer. Now we assist them on a regular basis. It helps if you are a caregiver to have family meetings, scheduled doctor appointments and a time of rest for yourself. Anita became co-chair of an organization called Angels on Duty. Find it here if you are a caregiver in need of support and prayer. Caregiving puts a strain on marriages.

4. Anita needs glasses now. She got lasik eye surgery years ago, but it doesn't last forever. One thing about marriage is that people change too and so do their looks. It helps to marry for the right reasons for sure. Fall in love with their heart not their exterior.

5. We celebrated lots of birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, and another called Reformation Day that most people are not aware of, lol! Look it up.

6. A leadership honor society selected Anita to be a member. It is called the National Society of Leadership and Success ( Also, she is now the official leader over all things Missions at The Singwell Church online.

7. The Pastor of our congregation retired which was a new thing for both of us. We have been through church splits and other drama for sure, but this felt a little different. It reminded us that we serve God, not man, and that people come and go, but God remains the same - always.

8. We had the BEST family vacation on three islands together. We ate, swam, jet skied, did the movies, ate, swam, checked out new places, swam, went to festivals and took boat rides. The boys said that it was the best vacation that we have ever had - for the WIN!

9. Covid got us. All four of us had covid in the last ten months and it was dreadful. Maurice ended up in the ICU for a while but successfully recovered after about a month. We were SO over it, but so many people showed us lots of love during that time and we were grateful.

10. God kept our marriage and family together. We do not take that for granted, ever. 

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