Saturday, December 31, 2016

Reviewing Nine Books I Read in 2016

My goal for the year was to read 12 books in 2016. I have finished nine of them to date and want to share my reviews with you. I have made similar goals in the past and have yet to complete them 100%. However, my only competition is against myself, so I guess I earn the "Most Improved" award in this category.

My Favorite Book of all!!

I love non-fiction books and self-help. I read a lot from christian authors and I am an author myself. I have been told that better readers are better writers. Let's hope that is true! So with no further ado, here is my list:

1. Returning to Holiness by Gregory R. Frizzell

I started 2016 with fasting and prayer, personal repentance and what I like to call a Spiritual Retreat. I retreated away from family, social media and work to press into a time of refreshing from the Lord with this book. Needless to WRECKED m whole life! The soul-searching questions were just what I needed to plunge deep into the reasons behind my actions, my motivations and my fears. Everything in this book is completely biblically based. It was a scouring pad for my spiritual like and I believe that this will be an annual journey for me. This book is a resource now in my arsenal.

2. Living your God Inspired Purpose by Chari Twitty-Hawkins

This woman of God is right about one thing - your purpose must be inspired by God. Our plans and purposes fail unless they are rooted and built on a firm foundation. Just the title of this book had me captivated. God has given us dreams and desires, vision and hopes. Having them is one thing. Living them out is another. This is a short, quick power-packed read. Grab a copy for inspiration on your own purposeful journey.

3. Audacious by Beth Moore

This book is the third of a series of books written by Beth Moore. I actually listened to this one as an audio book because you can't just read Beth's books, you have to hear her country twang. It's a must! She tells the short version of her life story and weaves in scripture so seamlessly. Beth challenges us to have the nerve to trust God with our lives and watch him work it out. I was very encouraged and edified by this book.

4. The Seven Rings of Marriage: Your Model for a Lasting and Fulfilling Marriage by Jackie Bledsoe

This book has the makings of a classic for sure. I love word-play and Jackie so simply but beautifully defines the RINGS of marriage starting with the engagement ring. Marriage has its ups and downs and this book explains those phases in detail. It is the perfect book for newlyweds, especially for the husbands. I was able to read this book in advance as part of Jackie's launch team and it was a great experience. I highly recommend it.

5. You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis & Lisa Chan

I would have to say that this was the most unique of all the books that I have read this year. Written by husband and wife as co-authors, you could hear each chapter in their own "voice". Of all the marriage books that I have ever read, this was the most challenging to me. I actually learned some new things and was reminded that even marriage (although it is the most important human relationship) is still only temporary in light of eternity. This book will change your perspective about your spouse and make you appreciate them even more. I will have to read this one again.

6. Undaunted: Daring to do what God calls you to do by Christine Caine

Only Christine Caine could write a book that brings me to tears. Despite all odds and every obstacle imaginable, she shines for the Savior. You just have to read this one. It will move you emotionally and move you to action as well. Every label ever given to you is nothing compared to being "His". I loved it.

7. Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

I just had to own this book. I knew it had to be a hard copy and not an ebook because it was by Priscilla Shirer - my hands-down favorite. Period. I tried to read through it quickly, but you just....can't. When you are practicing being serious and specific and strategic in prayer it takes careful intention. I really loved the cut-out cards in the back to use in my prayer war room. This is a sure-fire, must-have bestseller. This will stay on the bookshelf for sure.

8. 52 Weeks with Jesus by Dr. James Merritt

I bought this book on a whim at the airport on the way to a ministry event this year. I wanted to spend 52 weeks with Jesus, so I bought it and it did not disappoint! I literally went through one chapter each week with my Anointed Devotions group on periscope. Wow, did we glean so much from the scriptures shared in this book. James Merritt is a Pastor and his church went through this teaching as a group. I can imagine that it was a year to remember. I thoroughly enjoyed studying Jesus this year like never before.

9. A Walk in God's Garden by Evelyn Chapman Daniel

Such a big thanks to Patricia Komar for editing this beautiful book of poetry by Evelyn Daniel. Every single poem is inspiring and picturesque. I typically do not read poetry books, but this one drew me in. I will definitely be revisiting this lovely work. You can find an accompaniment of photos for this beautiful book of poetry here:


Well, that's my list. I have a huge list of books to get through still, but that will have to wait until 2017. I was busy making #9 on the Amazon bestsellers list for my own book "The Titus Ten"!! That was certainly a highlight for my year. All glory to God for such an amazing accomplishment! Pick up your copy right here.

What are you reading this year? I would love to know :)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Annual Marriage Accounting & Evaluation

It would not be strange to have an end-of-the-year job evaluation.  We are used to assessments in other areas of our lives,  but why should marriage any different? Let's score how well we did this year.

Using the Bible itself as a reference point, we can objectively grade ourselves and our marriages on performance as a spouse and as a couple.

First, let us set the benchmarks. Read Ephesians 5:21-32, KJV.

Husbands represent Christ. The goal is to be like Jesus. How is a guy supposed to meet that standard?! Well...the Bible doesn't say to BE Jesus, but to love LIKE Jesus. How have you loved this year?

Wives represent the Church. They are to follow after Christ & submit to Him. Rate your submission to your husband in areas where he is being Christ-like. Did you make it hard for him to love you this year?

Like a business that has to re-evaluate in the fourth quarter, we should take stock of how our marriages have grown. Did we yield a good return or did our marriage market crash? Are we getting good returns on our lifelong investment? Why or why not? What about your assets, your children?

Your marriage is your business.  So how is business going? 

Have you enlisted some new board members in the form of mentors to hold you accountable? How is the state of your union financially, spiritually,  sexually? Were you able to recover from any setbacks to your marriage this year?What are some of your "Wins"?

In marriage,  we have no competitors. Either we both walk

One of the most important questions is "How are you preparing for the future?". Every risk we take now in this marriage business will come back to bite us next year - for better or for worse.

So let's be couples that strategize, plan ahead, hold each other accountable and take ongoing evaluation to ensure longevity of our most prized relationship - our marriage!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Planning Holiday Giving Together

We decided to do the craziest thing this year. We gave all of our Christmas gifts out already to our family members. They have been bought, paid for and delivered to their recipients. We decided to do it over Thanksgiving to really emphasize the "giving" part of the holiday. People were definitely surprised  and that was the point.  They had another reason to be grateful and our hearts were full from giving. After paying off all of our credit cards not too long ago, we realized that debt had us enslaved. Never again! Yeah we know, it is a little non-traditional and different to spend for Christmas this way, but let us tell you why we did it.

One of us, {Anita}, is the spender of the couple. The other one is the saver. In order to really enjoy the Christmas season (which for a lot of Americans begins the week of Thanksgiving), we decided to do something different in order to focus on each other, the real meaning for the season and less on money.
Many married couples struggle with their finances. We didn't want this to be a burden and so we needed to be proactive. By making a plan to pre-purchase all of our gifts and to give them all out, it curves the tendency to keep buying because we see sale signs everywhere. In most instances, opposites attract in marriage. This goes for most financially as well. Usually one person enjoys the opportunity to save money so that they can purchase later.  The other person enjoys spending and can barely contain  their shopping habits.
We can use our financial habits to refine us or to  divide us.

Managing money is huge in marriage. Some couples have budgets, some don't. Some couples combine all of their finances together and some choose to have separate accounts. The Bible speaks to oneness. No matter how you govern your finances, there should be mutual agreement.

How you plan your money together is similar to how we should be in our spiritual lives. We know that we have an enemy. We know that the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy us. We know that we need to be proactive by making sure we put on the whole armor of God every day. We need to tuck scripture deep in our hearts and save it in advance for the appropriate attacks that we know are coming!  This applies to marriage, to finances and to everyday life.

Financial accountability is a spiritual discipline!

So here are 3 suggestions for any married couple:

1. Make a money plan for now and for the future. It is wise to determine how money should be spent and saved, earned and invested for now and for the future.

2. Bring about what changes need to be made and your family finances. Perhaps you need to reevaluate how money is being spent on a daily basis or start a savings account that will be used later on.

3. Since financial accountability is a spiritual discipline, the Lord must be Ruler over it. Keeping God as first in your finances means that you are somehow helping the kingdom of God to grow whether that is through tithing, offerings at your local Church or Ministry giving.

You may not be radically led to purchase all of your Christmas gifts in advance like we did, but do be willing to make great changes in your finances in order to stay close to the Lord and keep your marriage financially sound.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Staying married over the Holidays

When we first got married the holidays were the best times for us. We look forward to meeting each other's families and growing relationships. Then it was the children! Oh boy, what fun it was to share our newborn bundles with everyone. There was plenty of picture taking and sharing stories.

Then, as our family grew, it was a matter of who was hosting during the holiday season. Who has an apartment large enough? Who has a house? How many people can you accommodate? There was always a question about the food. Who is bringing what? So and so is a vegetarian, pescetarian or they're just a super picky eater. "I don't like the way she/he makes this/that". Then there was the matter of the activities. What are we going to do after we eat? Should we watch a movie? Should we have a singalong? Share testimonies? Maybe we should read a Bible verse or two since we are christians and everything.

After a while, holidays can get to be a hassle because it is more of a chore then enjoyment. Some family members might not get along as well as others. People are now divorced. Somebody is having a baby and it's not a good thing. What happened to our joy? As a couple, we began experiencing more stress and anxiety during the holiday time. The season that was supposed to be happy and joyous suddenly got the better of us. It got the better of our marriage too! We had disagreements about who should come and who should not. There issues about the food, the setting, the music. It was all too very complicated. After all the festivities are over, who wants to cuddle up by a fire and be romantic? We were TIRED! No mistletoe or New Years Eve kiss. And you can forget about sex!

What happened to the simplicity of Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's Day? Aren't these supposed to be the happiest times of the year? For many couples, it is not. Some couples are struggling with losses as well during the seasons. For whatever reason, it's not the way it used to be because so-and-so is gone. We miss grandma, grandpa, the kids before they were teens and had "better things to do". We missed seeing familiar faces that made the holidays so much better. This person is gone and so is their famous pie. Gosh! The holidays will never be the same.

Well let me give you three tips to ensure that you can stay married over the holidays. It IS possible to enjoy the holiday season with your spouse, even if you differ on if you should have a table just for the kids or not.

1. Plan a date. You may be thinking with all that I have to do and all of my appointments and all of the programs who has time for a date? Exactly! Make the time. Every November my husband and I get together to celebrate each other. It is a time to reconnect towards the end of the year and reminisce about our marriage. We talked about where we've been and where we're going. We enjoy each other's company and plan for the future. If your marriage is supposed to be your most important relationship, the others can wait.

2. Make your own traditions. I love our family traditions of how we open gifts and singing songs and many other things. However, when I got married I wanted us to have our very own family traditions. It is important to establish what you do at your house between each other. This will make your marriage stronger and will help you to navigate the holidays knowing that the two of you are working together, not against each other.

3. Remember the Reason for the Season. Among all the things that we have to do and all the to-do lists that we make for the holidays, there is nothing that will bring a couple closer together than keeping Jesus at the center. He is the reason that we made it through the year and the reason that we have a new one to look forward to. He is the reason that we celebrate Christmas and we can thank Him all year long, not just at Thanksgiving. All good marriages are held together by that glue.

So never fear! You can stay married during the holidays. This will be our 15th! Happy Every Day to you and your family from ours :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Even Me

The Bible says that I am supposed to be an Ambassador for Jesus Christ, a minister of reconciliation. That is the most scariest thing in the world to me. However, I like to be a little bold sometimes and therefore I was up for the challenge. So the best thing to do when you are afraid is to bring a friend or two. I began Wifestyle image Network with the intent of surrounding myself and networking with other women who will take on the bold and daring challenge to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using the Titus 2 model. It was a risk as following Jesus Christ is, but I felt an urge in my spirit that I should be doing something more than what I was doing. Working as a nurse and sharing the gospel here and there was students was amazing, but there is always a tug in my spirit that I could be doing more. What about after work? What about before? What was I doing on my off days? Nothing. Nothing eternal anyway. I can no longer go with the thought of doing nothing for Jesus. 

Everyday I want to share the gospel with someone. I figured that the best way to do that was online. I could literally share the Gospel of Jesus Christ every day online for the rest of my life. So with that thought, I was motivated to begin. It didn't have to be much. I could just let people know my story. I could just let people know that Jesus loves them no matter where they are no matter what they were doing. God could change their lives in spite of their sin. Even them.

Ambassadors are foreigners and aliens and not from around here. Since I've been born again I am not from around here. This world is not my home until it makes it easier for me to approach others. I don't live here. I don't know your language. I don't know who you are. But let me tell you about my Jesus and how he has changed my life. Initially I thought I had to have more preparation, more training or even a process, but what I have come to realize is that if I just step out in obedience to God makes a process for me. You can't approach everyone the same way. There is no cookie-cutter way to share the gospel. The way to share the gospel is to be obedient. The way to win souls as to take them to the soul winner who is Christ himself. That means different people come to Jesus in different ways and we have to be willing and open to just be a vessel. I want to be God's vessel. I want to be his Ambassador. Sometimes when I'm sitting in church I feel an urge to pray for someone in particular. That's all I do. They may go to the altar or they may not. Sometimes when I'm at a restaurant I leave a tract for someone. Sometimes they respond and tell me how that blessed them. Other times they look at me so strangely and I'm sure they throw the trash in the trash. But my job is not to give results to God. My job is to give my life to God. Even me.

God so desperately loves so many people in this world and He is desperately looking for more laborers to go out into his field. We don't even know what we're going to be doing out there but He just wants us to go. Go sing. Go preach. Go share. Go be light in the darkness.

I have felt so ill equipped and that no one would want to hear from this church going, Bible carrying, gospel singing, honor roll student who was on fire for Jesus. No one gets excited for Jesus at a young age. No one goes up and down their bus and tells people about Jesus. No one cries in prayer for their friends in the seventh grade. Who does that? Surely only the Jesus Freaks. Freaks Like Me. Even me. Most people thought that I was proud and haughty and better than them. They did not know that I was crying out to God for them and that more than anything I wanted him to know the love of Jesus so that they would not be so depressed and scared and worried about their lives and where they would go when they died. Some people even thought our family was rich because we seem to always have on different clothes. They had no idea that we were very strapped financially and they God supplied our needs by those who gave to our family. We couldn't afford new stuff. But we were happy in Christ. People saw contentment on our faces and that we served Christ in spite of our circumstances. That blew their minds. God had chosen to bless our family in our obedience. Even us.

Your life may be so confusing and chaotic because you have long since neglected God's call to live and work for Him. Everyone has a desire deep down to be loved and cherished just as they are with their gifts, talents and skills. God created you just the way you are just for his purposes. He wants you.

God wants to take your "want to" and plant it in His field. Your life can yield an abundant harvest for His glory. He wants you. Even you.

Prayer: Lord, here I am, just as I am. Take me in my current state and use me for Your glory. I am yours. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

Action: As an Act of Faith and surrender, throw both of your hands in the air and pray this prayer again.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Called or Driven

When we live in doubt, we are driven by emotion. When we act in faith, we are living out our calling. James 1:6 explains about how this affects our prayer lives. He compares it to being tossed like a wave on the sea. Driven people are going along with the flow and are unsure of why they do what they are doing. They only know that they cannot stop.

However, being called is purposeful and has an eternal destination because of the One who is calling you. When God calls you to His agenda, you must go. Look at Jonah. God called him to preach so that the people of Ninevah would repent. He rebelled against his no avail.

Although these are similar references and they both propel a person, the difference is the person who is providing the force. IF God be for you, who can be against you (Romans 8:31). David was called by God to be more than a shepard. He would be King. Saul tried to stop him, but David declared, "What can man do to me?" (Psalm 118:6).

The force of man is in no way comparable to the power of God. The Lord called Moses to defeat the most powerful man on Earth. He called David to defeat Goliath. He called young Samuel in the night. He called Saul, a murderer of Christ-followers, to do His work. He is calling us as well. No matter your age, race, sex or status, it is time to answer the call!

Prayer: Here am I Lord, send me!

Action: After prayer, spend some time meditating on what God may be calling you to do.

Watch the scope.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Weep with those who Weep

Weep with those who weep? I find it interesting that Jesus calls those who follow Him to enter into the emotions of others. Rejoice with those who do rejoice and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15, kjv). Unlike many other deities that are worshiped, the Almighty God is personable and those who honor and obey Him are deeply touched with concerns of others and not just themselves.

To know that God has an emotional side is such a relief to me. I cannot imagine serving a God who has all power but remained untouchable and uncaring about me. As I read the Bible, I notice that in many instances, there are references to our five senses: touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste. Our whole neurologic system is made of motor and sensory functions. God designed us to experience life and really FEEL!

Entering into the sorrows and joys of others makes us more like God, who entered into our human-ness to know us and to love us.

At the tomb just after the resurrection, Mary hears the voice of her Lord calling her name. When Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus invites Thomas to touch the place where the nails in His hands had been. During this time, Jesus also ate and tasted a meal with His followers. In the Old Testament, can you imagine the smells of a thousand burnt offerings to the Lord? As He ascended, many saw Him and believed. God used the senses and emotion of our "human-ness" to meet us where we were. He also wants us to understand and apply the same thing with others around us.

Yes, knowing God is a spiritual thing, but it is also a physical thing. You can know God on every level and in every way. Taste and see that He is good (Psalms 34:8, kjv), then share Him with others!

Prayer: Lord, I want to know you and to be able to enter into the emotions of others so that I can share Your goodness with them.

Action: Ask the Lord to make you more aware of what those around you are experiencing and how you can point them to HIm.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Three Purposes for Marriage

A wise author wrote "What if the purpose of marriage was not to make you happy, but to make you holy?".

Scores of people marry out of pure selfishness. They want someone to love them. They want a beautiful wedding, children and well....happiness. Most people will tell you that those are not bad goals, but are they God's goals? Why did God invent marriage in the first place? Was it for our happiness, our growth, His glory? I would venture to say that the answer to all of those is "Yes"!

Our Happiness
The Song of Solomon hints to the happy parts of marriage. A man is to rejoice with the wife of his youth. (Proverbs 5:18, kjv) Sounds happy to me. The word happy also means "blessed" in Hebrew. Marriage is a holy union that makes the Lord happy. Our holiness is His happiness. Our happiness in marriage makes God smile :)

Our Calling
Marriage changes a person. It is a call from the Lord that some will answer and others will not. The Apostle Paul declared that he believed that singleness was an easier road, but in 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 he also encourages men and women to remain in their "calling". If you are married, stay that way. If you are single you are best in that state unless you cannot contain. Get married.

Not everyone is called to marriage, but most people are.

His Glory
Marriage is a picture of Christ and His Church (Ephesians 5:22-28, kjv). When we get married and stay married, we get to reflect a spiritual concept in a physical, human way. God is pleased when a man finds a good thing because He has already let us know that it is not good that man should be alone. Something about that is incomplete and does not fully glorify God. Marriage does!

Prayer: Lord, make me content in the state that I am currently in. Help me to fulfill my purpose and bring glory to You in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Read all of Ephesians 5 and highlight the verse that pertain to you in your current state.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Frustration: 2 Ways to Handle Our Thoughts

Frustration is that negative feeling we get when things are not going the way we planned. Married couples know this feeling well. When frustration happens, we have to choose between indulging in the feeling and getting in the slumps or deciding to shrug it off and be positive despite the negativity. It is an unwelcome interruption in our thought process and a distraction to our purpose.

Sometimes I have experienced frustration when I have attempted to do something over and over again without success. I feel like a failure. For example, I felt like a failure as a mom when I had difficulty nursing. I have been frustrated in trying to be a perfect wife (good luck with that!). It is discouraging and self-defeating to wallow in this feeling. Currently, people are frustrated with the racial climate in America. Understandable!

Frustration can quickly lead to anger, self-pity, depression and a host of other unhealthy emotion. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts and our thoughts (Proverbs 4:20-27). They are a perfect battleground for the enemy of our souls. If we think it, we just might act on it! The question is how to do that. Glad you asked!

Capture it!

First,bring every thought into subjection (2 Corinthians 10:5). Defend your mind. Learn to capture your unruly thoughts that lead to frustration. It takes practice. We are already aware of some things that trigger frustration in our hearts, so those things should be avoided right? If a certain song, person or environment cause you immediate frustration, ask the Lord to either remove you from it or empower you to change it!

Re-Capture it!

So let's be realistic. Sometimes our thoughts and emotions are running the show. Just when we think they are captured, they show up again and threaten to undo us. We try and try, but we can feel out of control at times. Be careful to get the right amount of sleep, food and exercise. Your physical activity (or lack thereof) can affect your spiritual activity. Stop things that lend themselves to frustration and replace them with positive actions which will produce positive thoughts.

If you do not replace what you have removed, expect more of the same frustration.

The key is to replace those thoughts with the Word of God. It is your mental offense. Instead of engaging in negative self-talk like "I am so stupid", "No one cares", "I'm such an idiot", "I can't do this", "Those ___ people!!", start speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19). Quote and sing scripture. Surround yourself with people who are more positive. Go to church. Pray and pray again.

Two things: Proper defense in prayer, and offense in the Word of God can defeat frustration!

Prayer: Father, I confess to you that I am frustrated. So much in my life can put my heart in turmoil. I need You. Show me how to apply the Word of God to my situation so that I can be victorious at all times in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Action: Write down your current frustrations. Attach a scripture to each one and pray over it.

Watch the scope.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

When Should my Children be Baptized?

Good Question!! When our youngest asked Jesus Christ into his life at 8 years old, we were excited and willing to help him to grow as a christian, but we honestly were a little apprehensive when he asked to be baptized. I guess we should not have been surprised since we raised him to know the Word of God and to live it. "Don't be just a hearer of the Word, but a Doer", we said! 

My husband and I needed to re-research the Word on this. In Matthew's gospel, it is clear that making disciples includes baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things that Jesus commands (Matthew 28). Well...the Bible also mentions children reaching the age of accountability when they can answer for themselves before God, but how old is that exactly? (Isaiah 7:15, Ezekiel 18:2-20, Matthew 18:3, Romans 14:10,12). 

The Bible also mentions to "forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:14). We are not Catholic, so they had never been sprinkled or dunked or submerged in any water unless they were taking a bath or in a local pool or something. This was much more serious. As parents, God will hold us responsible for the actions of our children until they did so for themselves. This is similar to the warning about taking the Lord's Supper unworthily. We would not be good parents if we did not instruct our children to not take part of the Lord's table unless they were right before God. The Bible says that many are sick or even dead because they do not take the warning seriously! We certainly were not going to risk it in any church ordinance. We decided instead to allow the boys to take the four required classes necessary to "prove" their knowledge about these ordinances of The Lord's Supper and Baptism. We would only deny them until they did the work.

We would not say No to baptism, but we could not say Yes until they proved their accountability.

They did it!! They finished every class and explained the entire process to the Deacons in charge of preparations. They were even quizzed and passed with flying colors. Our confidence in our sons and in our church was now established. I am proud of our church for being thorough (because it is really the parent's job to ensure that the Church is teaching their children correctly). They were ready and anxious to let everyone know that they were obedient to Christ and willing to be associated with Jesus as His disciples. 

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 John 1:4

Proud is not a great enough adjective to describe our emotions at that moment! I thank God for allowing me to see this day and for my children to stand as witnesses to the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ as His disciples! *tear*

Monday, September 19, 2016

Guardians of Ancora Game Review

Our boys love Guardians of Ancora! This is why we love it for them:

Getting the Word of God to our boys and regular engagement with the Bible DAILY!! The boys ask to play this game regularly and we get to reward them online for doing so. They are really learning true bible content and not just fluff and entertainment. Everything about this game is biblically-based. Even the title means a keeper for the Anchor which is Christ. It was developed in the UK, but is spreading like wildfire!

The game is not cheesy. It is completely dynamic with amazing cinematic color, movie-like musical scores and it is extremely easy to interact with from the very beginning. They boys would say that is is!

You can choose your own character! I love this feature because, honestly, you can be yourself with your skin color and choice of hair and outfit. Letting our boys be in the Bible as themselves is priceless! As a family, we each have our own unique character to play with and can communicate with each other by making posts. To "see yourself" in the Bible story is amazing and a lifelong memory.

It is FREE!! Yes, I would totally pay for this Bible game, but having it free is truly a blessing.

It is SAFE!! There are no commercials or spam in this game. It is a secure playing environment and that is surely a relief with all the mess on youtube and other (even christian) online-based activities. As parents, we can walk away from the game device feeling assured that their eyes are protected.

There are quizzes! Not only do the boys have a chance to learn bible stories, but they earn more points by answering detailed questions based on the content (and it is NOT that easy either). Our boys are about tween age now, and this is appropriately challenging for them and us as parents! 

This game does not take up tons of data! As complex as the worlds that you get to discover are, this game does not take scores of data or bandwidth to play. It is available on IOS, Android devices or Kindles. Did I mention that it is FREE as well??

The website is phenomenal! There is so much additional content available for this game. There are multiple bible plans on Youversion that go along with the game and extra devotionals on the website. There are also many activities to do with your children at home based on all the lessons. It is a homeschoolers dream come true for Bible curriculum!

We can cast it! If you have a google dongle or some casting technology at home, everyone can watch! It makes the game more of a family activity instead of your child learning alone. It makes for interesting conversation and lends to bible questions without parent pressure! 

 The narration is also right on point. Not only do the boys learn great bible stories, but they are also challenged within the story to apply what they are learning to their own lives. What parent doesn't want that?

We could go on....but we think you should try it our for yourself. The website is Guardians of Ancora. Come back and tell us what you think about Guardians of Ancora or any other online bible games or apps that you like :)

*We received no payment for this review. The opinions within this post are our own.*

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Four reasons why God will give us what we ask

Almost everyone knows The Lord's Prayer. There is a part that says "Give us this day our daily bread". Isn't it amazing that Jesus instructs us to ask things of God? It is the right and privilege of the child of God to have things from their Father. I tread lightly even when I ask my husband for something. I should have a good reason. I consider the likelihood of him saying "Yes". I try to position my point to my advantage and present a reasonable and undeniable proposal. Sometimes I get shut down, other times he sees my point of view and we agree.

However, when we come to God, it is up to us to come around to His point of view. We are not to manipulate and attempt to convince Him. When we say "Give us", what we are really asking for it for God's will to be shown through us. Give us what we need in order for Your name to be glorified God. Give us more patience, self-control and long-suffering to more like you God. Give us opportunities to overcome difficulties and become stronger God. When you think of it this way, it changes how and why you approach our Sovereign God. Think about these four reasons that God says "Yes".

If God says "yes" when you pray:

1. It is useful for you. Consider yourself blessed! He is waiting to give to you. God knows that what we are asking for is actually in our best interest sometimes.

2. You needed it. God will not give to you when it is not needed. We often ask for what we want, but God has already promised to supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19, KJV).

3. He wants to give it to you. He does not owe it to you because you prayed. We cannot force His hand. He is simply a generous and loving Father who longs to see His children happy!

4. We will be grateful and He will be glorified. We don't deserve God's generosity. He does not rightfully give us what we DO deserve and He is pleased when we thank Him for what He does.

Prayer: Father, give me what I need in order to glorify you the most.

Action: Play a game with a child. Give them what they ask for 5 whole minutes. Be prepared! Lol.

Watch the Scope.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cut it out

I just had a chat with one of my mentees the other night about the married man who had been hitting on her. It was disgusting really. This person, who was "supposed to be in ministry" was developing a relationship with a younger woman online. It all appeared rather innocent actually. She is cute. He is smart (and married) and they had quite a bit in common.

With a history of sexual abuse on both ends and the right situation, they had been developing an emotional attachment to one another, and...well, she liked it even though she knew she was wrong. Dead wrong! Initial, innocent conversations grew a bit sexual in nature. She led him on even though she hated what was happening. He asked for pictures. They looked forward to hearing from each other, and that was all the fuel the enemy needed to lure them both into sin. No, not physical sex, but mental captivation. You see, the bible is very clear about WHEN sexual sin starts!

  "...but I say unto you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart" (Matthew 5:28, KJV).

So what was my advice to her? "FLEE girl, FLEE!". There is a medication called nitroglycerin or nitro for short. It is good stuff, if you have high blood pressure, but you must be careful about how it is applied. It is very hypotensive. Just one touch of it can cause rapid vasodilation and send your blood pressure plummeting. You could find yourself on the floor literally! That is how sin can be. One look, one touch, one moment can be the death of you. Think I am exaggerating? The bible says that the wages of sin is DEATH (Romans 6:23). It is always deadly. Maybe not in an instant, but it will happen.

The pressure that your spiritually conscience provides plummets with each glance, touch or stroke of the keyboard. It is so real that it is truly frightening. So I told her to cut it off. End it now. You can't play with medicine like that. It is only to be used in marriage. Follow the manufacturer's instructions! It will kill you for sure. And thank God she listened to me. As we were speaking, she said goodbye to him and began blocking and closing chat windows, putting up roadblocks to the enemy's entrances in her spiritual life. It was a brave step in the right direction. He did not cut it out so she did. I warned her that this may not be the end, and that she must lean on God's strength to stay away and not her own.

 Like a surgeon who understands the need to remove a tumor, Jesus is ready to help you cut it out too. Will you give Him consent?

Prayer: Lord, I want to weed out anything in my life that is sinful. Please help me to identify it and to get rid of it in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Do some gardening. Cut out the weeds with the right tools!

Watch the scope.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Promoting Christian Blogs!!

Hey fellow bloggers, let's follow, comment and share our posts to grow traffic for the first 2 weeks of September! For every follow we follow back. For every comment, we leave a comment. It's easy. Just add your link. Let's go!

Friends by Blood

Mary and Elizabeth were not sisters by blood, they were cousins, but they had something amazing in common! Elizabeth and her husband, who were too old to be pregnant, had conceived. Mary did not have sex with any man, yet she was pregnant as well. Imagine the gossip happening among their family! One would carry John the baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, and the other carried Jesus, the Messiah Himself (Luke 1:46-55). These two women had a relationship unlike any other seen in the entire bible.

Some people we meet are potential friends and we get to know them and decide that they are not. Other people that we do not suspect at times, can end up being the closest friends imaginable. It is these people who become kindred to us. Some may even refer to their friends as family. In Mary and Elizabeth's case - family became friends. They saw potential in each other and encouraged each other in what God had called them to do. Not everyone may experience this blessing but perhaps we can spur each other on to good works (Hebrews 10:24). Here are a few ideas based on Mary and Elizabeth's relationship.

1.Listen to each other. Most friends stay close by hearing each other out. Mary and Elizabeth shard their hearts freely while the other listened attentively. It is a blessing to share and to be receptive to hearing what others have to share.

2.Be hospitable. Close friends make the time and space for one another. Mary was welcomed at Elizabeth's home. How can you be more available for your friends?

3.Don't reject what is different about your friends. These two women had a large gap in age, but it did not keep them from fellowship.

4.Support one another. It is always good to have someone in your corner cheering you on. Even when Mary's husband was unsure about God's plan, Elizabeth was there to affirm Mary in what God had shown her.

5.Point them to Christ. The goal of friendship is the glory of God.

May your friendships and kinships be rooted in Christ. That is the best medium for growth and producing the glory of God in both your lives!

Prayer: Lord, let my friendships glorify You. Teach me to celebrate others in my life, encourage them and be an asset to their life in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Call, phone or text a friend. Challenge each other to bring out the best in one another for the glory of God!

Watch the scope.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Aliens. They are making a comeback. It used to be funny that people believed that they existed. Now, even scientists are entertaining the possibility for real. There is more and more expanding research on alien life, UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and life on other planets. Aliens are defined as another people who claim home as another place - other than earth. They are strange. Strangers. The bible even talks about them!
Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers [in this world] to abstain from the sensual urges [those dishonorable desires] that wage war against the soul. (1 Peter 2:11, Amplified)
Well, there definitely are odd people among us. Peculiar people just don't fit in with everyone else. They stick out. They do not assimilate or acculturate and they do not mind. It may not be popular, but that is not the point.

If you are a Jesus follower, this may be you, an alien to this world. When you are born again, Heaven becomes your home. You do not conform to this world, but you are transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1,2, KJV). Your life is not your own. It belongs to God. You no longer belong to this world and it has no claim on you either. Being born again changes your life and your residence.

When God is your Father, you are a legitimate resident of his kingdom. It is an everlasting Kingdom. You are in the world but not of it (John 17:16, KJV).

Prayer: Lord, help me to have the right perspective about my life. Earth is a temporary dwelling place and heaven is home. When I am discouraged, help me to remember that I am not home yet.

Action: Make a list of all the places you have ever lived. What makes this place feel like home? What things are you looking forward to in heaven? Share it with someone.

Watch the scope.

Your daddy loves you

Your daddy loves you. He always has. No, not your earthly father, your heavenly Father. He may not hear from you much, but He is always around.

Let me tell you about my dad. I was his first born daughter and he was disappointed. He wanted a son, his namesake. He never really told me but it was noticed, especially when he had two more daughters after me. No worries though...I am over it. How could he resist my chubby little face and eyes that had me mistaken for an asian baby? No way. I was his like it or not.

No so with God. He not only wanted you, but He chose you from the foundation of the world to be His chosen possession. He designed you and fashioned you in your mother's womb... to be His own special treasure. You may not feel wanted or deserving, but let me tell you that God thinks that you are both. He wants a relationship with you and you deserve that. We all can have forgiveness and love and acceptance in Christ.

Do not let the enemy tell you otherwise! God is jealous for you (Exodus 34:14). He wants your full attention and love, not a replica, no substitutes, just you, the way you are...the way He made and likes you! Everything about you has purpose. You have unique gifts, talents and skills unlike any other person on earth and the Lord has phenomenal plans for your life and for your legacy (Jeremiah 29:11)!

If your self-esteem is down, let these thought pick you up. You are chosen (John 15:16, KJV). You are loved (John 3:16, KJV). You are special (Deuteronomy 7:6).

Prayer: Father, where my earthly father has failed, you never have. Thank you for your love and acceptance of me. Help me to make you proud!

Action: If your father is living, make sure that he knows that God loves him by your actions!

Watch the scope.

My dad, mom, sisters and I.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Jesus Pursues

Jesus will never stop pursuing you. He is after your heart with a relentless, passionate love. He won't let go and He won't give in. He will not stop. He will not let your other Idols distract Him. He is on a mission for a relationship with you, for your eternal love.

It is the greatest love story of all time. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

He was born, lived and died for you: and because death could not hold Him, He rose again for you and now sits at the right hand of God, making intercession for you. All of it...for the love of His life. You are the reason and He wants all of you in return.

The Lord not only wants you to love Him with all of your heart, mind, soul and body, but He wants you to tell others around you that He is in real pursuit of them as well. He pursues you with passion on purpose. You see, it is not His will that any should perish, but that all should come to the saving knowledge of Christ.

So if you find yourself running away from Christ, just stop and let him catch you. Pursue Him back. It is His greatest pleasure.

Prayer: Lord, I will chase after You because you came for me first. I love you and want to spend my life sharing Your love with others.

Action:  What hinders you from running after Christ? Let it go and pursue Him with utter abandonment.

Watch the scope.

It's Not Fair

Life is not fair. At least it seems that way. It seems that at times God may not care what happens to us. We may feel overlooked, rejected or even hated because things are unfair in this life. How is it that those who deserve justice for their sin and wrong gets set free? Then there are those who are innocent who are greatly punished for even up to half their lives in prison. There are unjust politicians, shady car salesmen, unfair pricing and wrong grades. It happens every day. Where is justice? Where is God? I have heard people say that God is just but he is not fair. Well I disagree. I think God is more than fair. He not only does not give us what we truly deserve, but he gives us more than we do deserve.

His grace is greater than our sense of what is fair.

We cannot even begin to fathom the mind of an all-knowing, all-seeing God. Who are we to question His judgment, His wisdom, His verdict, rewards and punishments. In a sense, we place ourselves on equal footing with God when we call him unfair and that is unfair to Him. Sometimes we just need to stop whining!

If we truly believe that God is just and that He is right and good, faithful and loving, then we should trust Him. Period. We place ourselves in a powerful position when we presume to understand the judgments of God. It is a scary place of authority that not even angels will dare tread.

When those feelings arise it is okay to ask God why, but it is not okay to presume that he does not have our best interest at heart. He ALWAYS does.

Prayer: God, when things seem unfair, help me to trust You with my life. Let me not lean to my own understanding, but to acknowledge You in all my ways in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Read the book of Job.

Watch the scope.


When we think about power we think about so many different things. We think about powerful people. We think about strength versus weakness. We may even think about God. When someone has power they often have influence. They may also have popularity. In any case, they have control. Power is the ability to control something or someone. If you are not the one who is in power then you may be being controlled by someone else. In my American culture, that is a bad thing. We are often taught to be in full control over everything and not to allow others to control us. However, in Christian thought, the opposite is true. As we submit to God who is the one who is all-powerful, our control is limited. We completely relinquish control to the one who has all the power. 

But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the world. (Acts 1:8, KJV)

When that happens, it can be frustrating to be patient as God works in our lives or to be still when we really want to jump ahead. Control is something that we may possess or something that we give to someone else. What they don't tell you, is that there is more freedom in allowing someone else to be in control than for you to control your life. When we surrender, throw our hands up and back away from the problems, we are no longer responsible for the outcome. God is. He is the one we have placed in control of our lives and is therefore responsible for the things that he allows or disallows. 

Once we see the freedom in giving the power over to God we can understand why He wants it all. God doesn't want us stressed out, overburdened and beside ourselves with fear over things that He already has in control. He is omnipotent (all powerful) after all! Submission is still one of the most unpopular words in christian circles for women. However, I have learned that there is freedom in submission. There is rest in returning to what God places you in control over versus what is NOT your responsibility. Your power lies in learning that difference!

Prayer: Omnipotent God, I just surrender. I do not need to be in control of what You already have under control. Help me to submit to Your will for my life in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Ghost and give you the power that you need to be His witness in your life.

Watch the scope.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Secret Prayer - 3 Reasons

I had not recognized until recently how often Jesus was in secret prayer with his Father. Majority of the prayers done in the New Testament are those in secret, not corporately. They is certainly power in corporate prayer and it is something that we should do, but there is great potential in private prayer as well. The Bible instructs us to go into a secret place a secret closet to pray (Matthew 6:6). It says that the Lord who sees us in secret will reward us openly (Matthew 6:18). The movie "War Room" has encouraged many many people to spend personal in prayer to petition the Lord on the behalf of themselves and others. Many people who have not taken their prayer life seriously now had a better idea of what it could look like for them.

But why pray secretly?

There's a story in the Bible that talks about one person who wanted to be seen as they prayed and had a prideful spirit versus another person in the shadows who cried out for mercy (Luke 18:11-13). There is something about coming to the Lord in a secret prayer space that puts us our hearts in a humble position before God.

Here are 3 reasons for Secret Prayer.

1. It develops your relationship with God. The more time you spend with the person the deeper your relationship becomes. It is the same with our father. Prayer is two-way communication. In this prayer space you can get to know God and learn his voice as well.

2. Secret prayer makes God's voice clearer. The discernment and that you can develop during this prayer time will assist you when you walk away from that prayer closet. Learning to hear God's voice in the silence is one thing, but being able to discern him in the midst of busyness is paramount.

3. Jesus instructs us to spend secret time in prayer (Matthew 6:6). His own prayer life was a perfect example. During many times would Jesus part away from the crowd and spent secluded time with the Father in prayer. If Jesus found this important and He instructed us to do it as well, then we should.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to spend secret prayer time with You and to make it a priority in my life.

Action: Designate a certain time and place to pray to the Lord in secret.

Watch the scope.

Pressing into Prayer

Sometimes it is hard to pray. Sometimes we may not be in the mood to pray or we are not sure what to pray, but prayer is a BIG thing. How many things do we do before we "get to prayer". Sometimes we may even feel unworthy to pray for whatever reason. When we neglect prayer, however, we neglect asking for God's intervention and guidance. We need to major on the majors and stop making excuses.

Zacchaeus was not like some of us. He pressed his way to Jesus. He made the time to seek Him. He was not ashamed about what people thought of him and was rewarded by a visit from Jesus. Prayer is like that. When we move in faith believing God to take notice of us, He does. He sees us and will visit us. He will come into our house as well. We waits for your invitation to intervene in your life.

Prayer is two-way communication. We speak to the Lord and He speaks back to us. Sometimes we only share our hearts with God and do not wait to see what He has to say to us. We do not want our prayer lives to be a one-way street and we come to God only for what He can give us. Pressing into God is seeking His face and not just His hand. What is the real posture of your prayer life? How bad do you want Jesus at your house?

Prayer: Jesus, come in. I need You to speak to me. Help me to keep the main thing the main thing and to not major on minor things. Give me the courage to press into your presence no matter what others think in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Read this story in Luke 19:1-10. How are you like or unlike Zacchaeus? Ask God to speak to your heart after you have poured out yours to Him.

Watch the scope.

A ministry moment of prayer with sisters in Christ this week.


Think of the idea of holiness as wholiness. Something that is whole is complete. It is a whole deal, not half or a quarter. If we are not completely holy, then we are not holy at all! Light does not dwell with darkness. God cannot abide in an unholy vessel. It really is THAT serious! If you don't believe me, believe the Word of God.

"...God is light and in him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5, KJV).

No darkness. At all. God also goes on to tell us to be holy as I am holy (1 Peter 1:16). That is a tall order. It is impossible really....without a holy God. Nothing intrinsic (internal) about us will measure up to the holiness that our God requires.

I have learned that the key to holiness is wholiness. The whole of your life must be pure which means that we must be in a constant state of repentance and striving to live a sinless life (sinning less and less and less). The truth of the matter is, that not even being sinless is up to us but repentance is! If you say that you have it all under control and you never sin you have already lied (which is a sin by the way) and the Bible warns us of that in 1 John 1:8.

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son, cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:7, KJV).

If you were to eat a delicious pie but then discovered that a part of it had mold, would you eat any of it? Probably not. There is a chance that it is contaminated through and through. You cannot tell from the outside, but you can't really trust it now can you? God views us in a similar way. It is all or nothing. We either surrender fully to Him and live in the light (repenting as we go) or we dwell in darkness. Just a little sin is enough to toss the whole pie out. Let your holiness be evident. No darkness. At all.

Prayer: Lord, I repent. I have sinned and come short of Your glory. Please forgive me for ___ and make me pure and holy like You in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Turn out the lights and light a candle or use a flashlight. Is the room full of light? What things in your life need to "come to light"? Make a list, repent and turn on the light!

Watch the scope.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Family First!

Our children are not our priority. Our marriage is. *GASP* Some people may not agree with me on this, but our marriage is the foundation of our family. We love our boys something fierce, but we have to put our lives in right order. It goes without saying that God is central to our lives, but He is not on my list of priorities. He is EVERYTHING! He is not after, He is intertwined into all other facets of life. Marriage is the first and most important relationship, then that our our children.


We did things "the right way" and waited until we were married to have children. We actually waited five years! That was a blessing. We had met online and we needed that time to really get to know each other and do the marriage thing. Honestly, we had only had three real face-to-face dates before we were living with each other as a married couple, so it was time well-spent.

In our 15 years, we have learned the importance of communication, forgiveness and loving each other in the way we understand. I am big on love languages and understanding Maurice's love language revolutionized the way I love him. I highly suggest "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. We learned many other things as well (some are listed in a previous post called "15 things we know about Marriage").

Children in Marriage

Enter the boys. If you are a new reader, we have two boys. They are now 9 and 10 years old - and a handful! One looks just like me and the other is his dad! Our youngest son Chay is a super clingy kind of guy and always wants to be up under me, sit next to me, hug me and would never let me go. Except Maurice will have none of that. So we have taught him that I can be his "girlfriend" so to speak, but I am daddy's WIFE! Big difference. We taught him that way because #1 - He will have no girlfriends any time soon and, #2 Marriage trumps girlfriend/boyfriend relationships always!

Instructing your children about the priority of marriage at an early age is huge. It will define all future relationships.

Along with investing time in your marriage, instill within your children the proper respect for your spouse. The children of light must train their children differently if we are to have a culture that will please the Lord in the coming generations.

Prayer: Lord, help me to put all of my relationships in proper order according to Your will. Help me to teach and model this for my children as well in Jesus name!

Action: Instruct your chidren about making marriage a priority and to respect that union.

Watch the Scope

My parents with their grandchildren 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016

So Thankful!

What things do you remember that make you happy? Thankful? We are thankful for our marriage, our family and so many other blessings. You have probably heard of how powerful a thankful heart can be. Here are just a few ways that the habit of thankfulness has been a blessing:

Being thankful make you a better spouse.

Maurice and I have definitely avoided some arguments because we chose to see what we could be grateful for instead of emphasizing what was negative. No one wants to argue. It is time-consuming and counter-productive really. We both feel better and are able to resolve our differences without hating each other. When the spouse is happy so am I.

Being thankful decreases depression.

That makes sense. It is merely a change of perspective that tells your brain to concentrate on one thing versus another. We can choose our attitudes and our responses. The brain is powerful enough to convince itself to be happy or sad. Did you know that the bible tells us what to think about (Philipppians 4:8)? If we are told what to think, than there must be a measure of control. We relinquish that control when we give up deciding to think for ourselves. The enemy loves that.

Being thankful make you more productive. 

How about going into work knowing that you are making a difference, that you are appreciated and will see amazing results. You count. Your work counts. You just have to decide to believe it. When you enjoy what you do, you produce substantially. Even the smallest task is important and contributes to the final result. That is something to be thankful for. You can work. You have work and you are good at it.

Being thankful encourages those around you.

No one wants to be around the miserable person, the downer, the pessimist. Even if you are one! It  pulls on you doesn't it? Instead of motivating you to be your best you, it gives you reasons to reconsider being thankful. However, being a person who is grateful is encouraging. Encouraging others is powerful because you actually give them a reason to be thankful as well.

Prayer: Father, we give our thanks to you. Thanks for giving us so much to be thankful for!

Action: Tell someone how thankful you are and ask them to share a few things as well.

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Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...