Monday, September 19, 2016

Guardians of Ancora Game Review

Our boys love Guardians of Ancora! This is why we love it for them:

Getting the Word of God to our boys and regular engagement with the Bible DAILY!! The boys ask to play this game regularly and we get to reward them online for doing so. They are really learning true bible content and not just fluff and entertainment. Everything about this game is biblically-based. Even the title means a keeper for the Anchor which is Christ. It was developed in the UK, but is spreading like wildfire!

The game is not cheesy. It is completely dynamic with amazing cinematic color, movie-like musical scores and it is extremely easy to interact with from the very beginning. They boys would say that is is!

You can choose your own character! I love this feature because, honestly, you can be yourself with your skin color and choice of hair and outfit. Letting our boys be in the Bible as themselves is priceless! As a family, we each have our own unique character to play with and can communicate with each other by making posts. To "see yourself" in the Bible story is amazing and a lifelong memory.

It is FREE!! Yes, I would totally pay for this Bible game, but having it free is truly a blessing.

It is SAFE!! There are no commercials or spam in this game. It is a secure playing environment and that is surely a relief with all the mess on youtube and other (even christian) online-based activities. As parents, we can walk away from the game device feeling assured that their eyes are protected.

There are quizzes! Not only do the boys have a chance to learn bible stories, but they earn more points by answering detailed questions based on the content (and it is NOT that easy either). Our boys are about tween age now, and this is appropriately challenging for them and us as parents! 

This game does not take up tons of data! As complex as the worlds that you get to discover are, this game does not take scores of data or bandwidth to play. It is available on IOS, Android devices or Kindles. Did I mention that it is FREE as well??

The website is phenomenal! There is so much additional content available for this game. There are multiple bible plans on Youversion that go along with the game and extra devotionals on the website. There are also many activities to do with your children at home based on all the lessons. It is a homeschoolers dream come true for Bible curriculum!

We can cast it! If you have a google dongle or some casting technology at home, everyone can watch! It makes the game more of a family activity instead of your child learning alone. It makes for interesting conversation and lends to bible questions without parent pressure! 

 The narration is also right on point. Not only do the boys learn great bible stories, but they are also challenged within the story to apply what they are learning to their own lives. What parent doesn't want that?

We could go on....but we think you should try it our for yourself. The website is Guardians of Ancora. Come back and tell us what you think about Guardians of Ancora or any other online bible games or apps that you like :)

*We received no payment for this review. The opinions within this post are our own.*


  1. While it isn't a game that is something I would use it does look like a good fit for some

  2. True! Every game is not for every family. We are just thankful to find something wholesome that aligns with our values. Thanks for reading!

  3. It's great that the game doesn't use too much data! That's always important to me when purchases apps.

  4. Interesting. Its nice to see games for everyone that doesn't use a ton of data.

    1. It really is great! There is room for improvement, but it is really amazing as is. Thanks for reading!

  5. This is a great way to introduce the kids to our faith! It's always nice to start them early, there is nothing like parenting with God as your guide.

    1. Yes! Starting them early is very important to us. Thanks for reading!

  6. This sounds like a fun game to get kids interested in religion!! I bet my kids would love this!

    1. I bet they would too Jennifer! Thanks for reading :)

  7. Oh, what a nice game. It is hard to explain the unseen to our kids and the topic "faith" is a really tough one.

    1. It can be tough in some ways to share the ideas about faith to children. In other ways, I think we as adults tend to overcomplicate the simplistic truths of the Bible. Thanks for reading!

  8. That's great you were able to find a game for your kiddos. Even better it doesn't take up a lot of data.

    1. There are so many games to choose from! We were so thrilled to happen upon this one. Thanks for reading!


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