Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Four reasons why God will give us what we ask

Almost everyone knows The Lord's Prayer. There is a part that says "Give us this day our daily bread". Isn't it amazing that Jesus instructs us to ask things of God? It is the right and privilege of the child of God to have things from their Father. I tread lightly even when I ask my husband for something. I should have a good reason. I consider the likelihood of him saying "Yes". I try to position my point to my advantage and present a reasonable and undeniable proposal. Sometimes I get shut down, other times he sees my point of view and we agree.

However, when we come to God, it is up to us to come around to His point of view. We are not to manipulate and attempt to convince Him. When we say "Give us", what we are really asking for it for God's will to be shown through us. Give us what we need in order for Your name to be glorified God. Give us more patience, self-control and long-suffering to more like you God. Give us opportunities to overcome difficulties and become stronger God. When you think of it this way, it changes how and why you approach our Sovereign God. Think about these four reasons that God says "Yes".

If God says "yes" when you pray:

1. It is useful for you. Consider yourself blessed! He is waiting to give to you. God knows that what we are asking for is actually in our best interest sometimes.

2. You needed it. God will not give to you when it is not needed. We often ask for what we want, but God has already promised to supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19, KJV).

3. He wants to give it to you. He does not owe it to you because you prayed. We cannot force His hand. He is simply a generous and loving Father who longs to see His children happy!

4. We will be grateful and He will be glorified. We don't deserve God's generosity. He does not rightfully give us what we DO deserve and He is pleased when we thank Him for what He does.

Prayer: Father, give me what I need in order to glorify you the most.

Action: Play a game with a child. Give them what they ask for 5 whole minutes. Be prepared! Lol.

Watch the Scope.


  1. God promises us that our prayers will be answered. We just have to remember that he will bless us but only if it's something that he see that we need. I've been very blessed but I'm still pretty sure he doesn't think I need to win the lottery. Darn!! haha

    1. Yeah....usually He says no to the lottery, but it is true that He answers prayer! Lol

  2. Hallelujah! Glory to God. We serve a living God and we are victorious :)

  3. Very true! He always provides our needs and He says no when it's best for us too!

    1. Absolutely! Trusting Him is the safest place to be :)

  4. Awesome. I'm not a religious person I'm more spiritual and i realize it's all connected. Just Ask, Believe and Receive. The power is within you all you have to do is Believe.

    1. Yes, we believe differently. My strength comes from outside my self. I also know that religion and spirituality have a connection. Thanks for reading and for your comment.

  5. Amen, thanks for this reminder, sometimes the simplest things to do become such big tasks....


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