It's Not Fair

Life is not fair. At least it seems that way. It seems that at times God may not care what happens to us. We may feel overlooked, rejected or even hated because things are unfair in this life. How is it that those who deserve justice for their sin and wrong gets set free? Then there are those who are innocent who are greatly punished for even up to half their lives in prison. There are unjust politicians, shady car salesmen, unfair pricing and wrong grades. It happens every day. Where is justice? Where is God? I have heard people say that God is just but he is not fair. Well I disagree. I think God is more than fair. He not only does not give us what we truly deserve, but he gives us more than we do deserve.

His grace is greater than our sense of what is fair.

We cannot even begin to fathom the mind of an all-knowing, all-seeing God. Who are we to question His judgment, His wisdom, His verdict, rewards and punishments. In a sense, we place ourselves on equal footing with God when we call him unfair and that is unfair to Him. Sometimes we just need to stop whining!

If we truly believe that God is just and that He is right and good, faithful and loving, then we should trust Him. Period. We place ourselves in a powerful position when we presume to understand the judgments of God. It is a scary place of authority that not even angels will dare tread.

When those feelings arise it is okay to ask God why, but it is not okay to presume that he does not have our best interest at heart. He ALWAYS does.

Prayer: God, when things seem unfair, help me to trust You with my life. Let me not lean to my own understanding, but to acknowledge You in all my ways in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Action: Read the book of Job.

Watch the scope.


  1. I've had many instances wherein I felt this way. But there are also days that require you to look deeper when it comes to seeing the blessings you have in life. In the end, you will appreciate those blessings more!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. Usually, it is just an instance. It is not the way we feel all the time. Perspective is key!

  2. really informative article

  3. Replies
    1. It is definitely a soul searching meditation. It is one of the things that people struggle with and question God about.

  4. good or bad our path is always the one we should are meant to be on even as we think we're steering it in one direction or the other I feel it is pre-destined.

    1. Well, we could get into a whole discussion about predestination. I believe that some things are set and other things can be influenced because we see that even in the Bible. It is definitely worth studying.

  5. Life is unfair but it's also best to not question God and what he's doing with our lives. I think it's better to just look up and say, "Hey God, I know you know what's best for me so I leave this up to you." Instead of asking him why he's allowing such things to happen to us. Bad things happen to good people too.

    1. I also think that is a good response, but unfortunately it is not always our first response.

  6. Life is unfair but it's also best to not question God and what he's doing with our lives. I think it's better to just look up and say, "Hey God, I know you know what's best for me so I leave this up to you." Instead of asking him why he's allowing such things to happen to us. Bad things happen to good people too.

  7. Trust in the Divine--who always knows the right thing--is critical. It's all part of our lesson here on earth.
    Carol Cassara

    1. True. I think we learned that lesson over and over and over again.

  8. Life is not fair, because it's impossible for it to be fair for everyone all the time. If something is fair for one person, it dosen't ean the same thing will be fair for another. It's how it is and we have to learn how to deal with it.

    1. I guess life if life was fair for everyone then we would be in heaven. Since fairness is so subjective, you are right you can't please all the people all the time. Their perception of fairness would always be unfair to someone else.

  9. I am not a Christian but thank you very much for sharing your perspective. :)

    1. Thank you so much Claudette for stopping by to read the post :)

  10. I very much agree that his grace is much greater than what we think as fair. There are things which we think to be good can end the other way, as the God always has his own plans. Just accept what he has in store for you & move on!

    1. Resting in what God plans for us can be difficult. We have our own ideas about what is best for us. When I remember His grace in the past, I can trust Him better for the future!

      Thanks for reading & commenting :)


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