Tuesday, August 16, 2016


What does the bible say about children? Plenty. They are important to God and should be important to us as well. Children should matter to you whether or not you have your own. Children may enter your life in a way that is planned or quite unexpectedly, through blood or not. In any case, they are our future. Whatever we leave for them is all they have to work with. They are the next church, the next disciples!

Children are wonderful (Isaiah 44:3; 8:13). They are easy to believe and have faith in God. They need to be trained, taught and reared in holiness. They are impressionable, so impressing righteousness into their lives is our responsibility!

We must be intentional with raising them naturally as well as spiritually (Ephesians 6:1-3, KJV).

The next generation is being formed by our diligence in spiritual nurturing or lack thereof.
Whether the children you influence are yours or not, you can make a difference. Many children are looking for love in all the wrong places. They are seeking attention by the wrong means. We have the power to speak words of affirmation and encouragement or we can plant seeds of doubt.

Radio, television and the internet are raising our children with the world's perspectives on love, money, sex and family. There needs to be another voice. There needs to be someone that the Lord can use to shape their worldview and answer tough questions.

In the bible, parents are instructed to train their children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). This also means being an example. The way you live your life speaks volumes, and children are great at paying attention to your losses, failures, reactions and successes. Be aware of how you live your life. The next generation depends on us!

Prayer: Father, forgive me for not being the best example. Help me to be more intentional with raising my children and those that I can influence in the ways of the Lord in Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

Action: Ask the Lord how you can spiritually influence the life of at least one child.

Watch the Scope

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I agree with you: our family values need to be important to us and in-line with the Lord and His Word. My husband and I strive really hard to do this with our children. There is so much negativity and inappropriate material in our entertainment and media. It really bothers me it has become the social norm, for instance dressing seductively at a young age and having sex at a young age. Good post, Anita!


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