Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012

My Christmas meditation:

This Christmas season I find myself in the book of Isaiah recalling all that the prophet foretold of Jesus Christ. I noticed that he is King of kings and Lord of lords, The Mighty God and the one who's Kingdom has no end. The thing that strikes me the most this year is that the government would be upon His shoulders. I asked the Lord what that meant. The Holy Spirit tells me that He is the upholder of every ruler (ie, kingdom) of the world. He bears the weight of all leadership. Government is His burden to bear, not ours.
I am a voter but I am not highly involved in politics for a reason. I am an Independent and rightfully so. My Lord and ruler is not of this world. I am merely an ambassador of the Kingdom of God here and am Holy Royalty at home. The other kingdoms, rulers, leaders and kings of this world are under His government. I thought that was a great encouragement considering the current state of affairs of this world. I simply cannot spend my time arguing about being a Democrat, a Republican, a Constitutionalist or otherwise. My mission and mandate in this brief life is to represent the Kingdom of God on this present earth. One day, praise God, there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is indeed Lord and Christ, The mighty God and The everlasting Father whose Kingdom never ends. Hallelujah! Merry Christmas!

Lil' cousin with his new toy microphone. Classic!
Lotta gifts, but the only one that matters is our hearts and lives for Jesus!
My Holiday get up.
Kaz's Christmas loot!

He wanted this snuggie so badly. Thanks grandma :)

Chay was under the weather, but still managed to open his gifts on Christmas.
Soooo handsome....if I may say so myself. Totally biased and I don't care <3
Tru-Image ministers to the elderly for the Christmas season.
Train them up in the way they should go...thinking of others and what they can give.
Reading the Christmas story as a family. Priceless $$$
A superhero with the Armor of God
The day after Christmas
What to play with first...decisions, decisions! O to be a kid again...

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