Monday, December 24, 2012

Home remedy

This will probably only be exciting to other women who do dishes perpetually (as I do)!

I ran out of dishwasher soap and I was not trying to go to the store to get some (or wash them by hand - are you kidding me?!) So, my darling husband came up with the idea of finding a home remedy online. He would say that cuz he's a very techy guy.

Anywho, I found one and it worked! So of course, I'm sharing it with you. Here is the recipe:

1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of baking soda
A dime-sized amount of dish soap

That's it! Simple, cheap and effective. God is good!


  1. this is a cool idea...

  2. Let me know if this works well for you too! I will post the web link where I got it from.


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