All the good people tell us to go to church and get the Word. However, most do not disciple you how to hear from God when you go to church, how to maximize the message that you are hearing and what to do during the week.
If that is you, here are some ideas AND a way to help you to remember them!
First, pray before you go and ask God to open your heart and mind to what He has for you. Many times a Pastor will share the Word and we tend to think of how others could benefit from what is being said instead of concentrating on what the Lord may be trying to tell us. Ask God to give you focus and to really give you what you need in that moment. Thank Him for it in advance like a meal that you love and know it is coming. Set your expectations high.
Next, come prepared to receive God's message to you. One way to do this is to ask God to forgive you of all of your sin (even thoughts that do not please Him) so that, like preparing for a meal, you are "hungry" for the Word. (Psalm 23:5) Then bring utensils - your own Bible and a way to remember (notepad, phone notes or highlighter, etc...). As the Word is preached, some people eat it whole and quickly while others like to take small portions and chew on it. Everyone is different. Pray to be attentive and not distracted. Some things in a message may pertain to you and others may not (leave those on the plate for now). Then, take a drink. This represent the Holy Spirit. He will help you to "take in" what you need and even if it is bitter, or not what you want to hear you can receive it and let it change you for the better. He also bring the Word back to your memory! (John 14:26)
After a message is over what do you do? Well....whenever I have a great meal at a great place, I like to share my experience with others. You reminisce about what challenged you, how to incorporate what you learned into your life and review the moments to solidify them in your memory. Some people do this by reading what they noted or journaled. Some meet with others during the week to share information on the message or what they may have missed.
Finally, pray again asking the Lord to make the message relevant for your life. I find that during this second prayer, the Holy Spirit will give me a message within the message that is tailored for my life or give me clearer direction. That is especially sweet! (Psalm 119:103) He will do the same for you. Let's call it dessert :)
Like any meal, you cannot eat just on Sundays and expect to be satisfied and full of energy to tackle life's problems during the week. Spend time in the Bible daily (maybe even three times a day) to get the spiritual nourishment that you need to sustain you. God will meet you at the table and His Word will never leave you empty or void (Isaiah 55:11).
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