Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Defining Godly Mentorship: What it Really Means

A mentor is a person that you can look up to. Usually this is a person that you want to be like in some way, shape or form. A mentor leads by example and may not even realize that they are paving the way for others.

Godly mentorship is the idea of leading someone closer to Christ by your lifestyle whether intentionally or unintentionally. Being a mentor is being a representative. The Bible calls this kind of person an  ambassador for Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:20). The mission that this ambassador has is reconciliation of others to God. The way this person lives, acts, speaks and what they do are allowing people to be drawn closer to or further away from the Lord.

Mentoring can be done on purpose by engaging others around you and encouraging them to follow Jesus. Many times there are opportunities in church or discipleship groups. Mentoring can also be done on purpose in one-on-one relationships, or couple to couple like we have experienced.

Mentoring is also done unintentionally. People watch how you live, how you interact and how you respond to difficult situations. Children watch their parents who are oftentimes unaware of how their behavior is being scrutinized and copied. Those in leadership or with platforms very often influence those who are following them as well.

Your marriage is mentoring other marriages!

What you say and do makes a difference. Who you watch and listen to is influencing you as well. Godly mentors have Godly mentees. Godly couples follow other Godly couples. You will always reap what you sow. Always. So if you want to have a great impact on others around you for Christ, you have to be that kind of example. If you want to grow in Godliness, you need people who follow Christ to look up to. If you want a strong marriage, watch strong marriages. It works both ways.

The most important thing to remember about Godly mentorship is that Jesus is the best mentor for all of us. Follow Him. Strive to live like Him. Emulate His example and obey Him just like He obeyed His Father in heaven.


  1. In my hometown many people were godly mentors which helped a lot

    1. That is a blessing. So glad that you were fortunate that way!

  2. A great reminder that you set an example for those around you and to live a Godly life is a good life!

  3. I was really blessed to have good mentors off and on. Now it's my turn to step up to the plate.

    1. That is exactly how it works! Mentorship and discipleship are two sides of a coin.

  4. Lovely <3 I have mentors in all aspects of life that I look up to for guidance and trust, it is so important to have!

    1. You are blessed! It is wise to have multiple mentors. In a multitude of counselors there is safety right? That is what the Bible says in Proverbs 24:6 :)

  5. I'm so lucky to have good examples and people I can go to for advice.

    1. I am glad that you mentioned examples. Some people do not realize that they are mentoring by their lifestyles on the job, in their homes and at Walmart!! Your life is showing someone else how to live. God help us all to pay attention.


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