Rejoice and be glad. Sing aloud. Biblical rejoicing is usually not quiet and subdued. No, one would break forth into loud singing. You would cry out and physically jump. Have you ever shouted God's praises?
Check out these instances in Psalm 33:1, Isaiah 54:1, Psalm 71:23 and Isaiah 49:21.
I know that there are different schools of thought about this. Some people might say, "It doesn't take all that to praise the Lord". Or they may respond that it's not done like that in their church.
When Maurice and I were courting we attended very different churches. In my church we were loud. We jumped, clapped and played the drums. His church was much more reserved, solemn and meditative. We agreed as a couple that we both wanted something in between the two.
Too much or too little, even in praise and worship, can be a distraction from the One that we are praising and worshipping!
Just like anyone, there can be times when we fall on our faces because we are overwhelmed with the majesty of God. There are also times of great outbursts of joy when we exclaim the wondrous works of our God. Both are appropriate. Both are acceptable to God. He deserves it all for sure!
When we religiously demand that God be honored in just one right way, we miss the point. God sees your heart anyway. He knows your motivation. Is your praise dance for show and applause? Are you actually asleep in your prostrate worship? Are you judging others in Church because they wave their hands or stand for every song, or not? Let's be real!
The highest praise in your "Hallelujah" might be in a car alone at the top of your lungs. In another instance, you just may hear someone whisper "Glory to God" through their quiet tears of joy. What we ARE commanded to do, is to praise the Lord at all times and in all situations. That is always right and proper. There should be times of outbursts and joyful singing. There is nothing wrong with praising God in many ways and forms. Read Psalm 150 for more ideas.
It is fitting to be joyful in praise to our Worthy Lord. It doesn't matter how you do it, just do it!
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