Your Choice

The Lord created us with the ability to choose right from wrong. Each choice has either consequences or rewards.

In Matthew 7, Jesus shares a list of four choices during His famous Sermon on the Mount. At any given moment, we have decisions to make. 

1. Take the wide or the narrow gate. In other words, the popular way is seldom the right way.
2. Eat fruit from good trees or corrupt trees. Watch where you are being fed. You are what you eat physically and spiritually. Diet is important for the physical and spiritual body.
3. Do the will of the Father or your own will. Surrender is the way to real life. The path to pleasing God is dying to yourself.
4. Build your house on the rock or on sinking sand. This is what determines those who are wise from those who are foolish.

Prayer: Lord we repent for not acknowledging you in our decisions and choices. Not our will, but Yours be done in our lives. Help us to be dependent on You  - the One who knows our thoughts and our motives in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Every day brings a new set of options and each choice your make affects the course of your life. I urge you to pray over your choices and decisions today. Let the Lord guide you. Invite God into your decision-making.

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