Monday, June 20, 2016


The Cavaliers won their first NBAChampionship title after a 52 year drought. Some fans (like myself) wondered if it were really possible, but there were others who were ALL IN and kept hope for the city and never wavered. Losing was never an option. They built a home in "Believeland". Some were fair-weather fans - they were "IN" only when they were winning, but in games where lost, they did not want to be associated with the team or the city.

I wonder if some of us can be wishy-washy like that with God. We know what He has said and yet, we waver in our faith. We wonder if God can truly use us, if we meet the right qualifications, if we are truly overcomers. When days are good and sunny we trust in the Lord. When He allows the clouds, we deny Him and His Church. INteresting.

Don't doubt, only believe" is what Jesus told His disciples (Mark 5:36) . Sometimes we struggle with being overcomers, to truly believe that Christ has "overcome the world" when we see terrorism, murder, abortion, suicide and crime. I want you to be encouraged. Even if your faith is weak, we can pray "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief".

Prayer: Lord, give us the courage to believe you even when things are dark, uncomfortable and we feel like losers. Remind us that we are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Remind us that Satan is defeated and you truly have overcome the world, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Take a moment and write out a commitment letter to the Lord. In your own way, let Jesus know that you are "All In"!

Watch the Scope:

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