Saturday, August 8, 2015

Wives 30 - Day Prayer Challenge Day 6

Ahhh...forgiveness. It is possible. Today let's choose to forgive our husbands of everything that offends. It's a good day to wipe the slate clean and start all over which a fresh perspective.

Once we make the choice to forgive, it is easier for the feelings to follow. Once we make the choice to follow Christ, he gives us the power to do things that may be seemingly impossible. Today I'm not going to bring up the past, I will simply forgive and move on.

Today's prayer although for my husband, will set me free as well. This is not just a prayer that can be prayed, it demands action. I need to ask for forgiveness as well. Sometimes when we pray, God will give us instruction. This is one of those times. We can't just ask God to mutually forgive us, we must put feet to our faith!

So go ahead, forgive him and ask for forgiveness as well.

Here is today's scope:

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