Friday, August 7, 2015

Wives 30 - Day Prayer Challenge Day 5

Unity, Oneness, United, Whole. These are some words that come to mind when I think of unity.

In marriage,  as two become one we are forced to not be so single - minded. Initially it was not a daily struggle to see ourselves as a unit. When I was first married, all I could imagine was us together forever. When I thought of me, I thought of him. As your relationship matures however, you go through seasons of marriage and can become selfish. I did. In all honesty, our plans became my plans.

The way this world is set up, it's no surprise that divorce is so common. It's the opposite of unity. Divide and conquer. Split the money, the kids and ourselves. This world tells us that we deserve more for ourselves,  but the Bible tells us otherwise.

The Word of God shows me that I am G o be of one mind and one flesh with my husband. Physically, we are to be one and in all other ways. Today, we pray for unity, that we will think and function as one unit with one purpose - to bring glory to God alone!

Here is today's scope:

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