Wednesday, April 2, 2014

To be Equally Yoked

We always talk about what it is to be unequally yoked, but what about Walking Together. Consider these things:

Spiritual gifts
As husband and wife, our spiritual gifts will naturally complement each other because they are both of the Spirit. Fruit on the same tree may look slightly different,  but we are attached to the same supply!

Spouses are mutual benefactors from financial prosperity. We are one body and the support of your spouse in business translates to tons of growth (economically and for future generations). When you sow together, you reap together and twice as much!

Dreams & Aspirations
No one should be a bigger cheerleader of your dreams than your spouse! Do your part to support and encourage. You do not want to be the person who kills the dream.

Like in business, sowing and reaping together has its benefits. We must always pray for one another that we will be directed by God as a couple. Your marriage has purpose and ministering together will always be effective!

Soul Tied (in the best way)
Sex! Have lots of it. If you are not single, make it your goal to keep your marriage spicy. Soul ties involve your whole being - mind, body & soul. Be unforgettable for your spouse and be ready to get back that favor in return! 


  1. Praise the Lord sis, this is an excellent topic because as you mentioned it’s hardly ever discussed about the benefits of being equally yoked. When God matches a husband and a wife together He gives them extreme power to do the will of God together. Marriage is ministry so when God brings a couple together He also makes sure that both gifts are able to complement one another and strengthen one another in their weaknesses too. For an example one spouse might be good at budgeting money while the other is good at organization and cooking. Being equally yoked is having a deep spiritual bond with each other and God. So everything is more escalated of course including sex along with all the other areas that you mentioned above. I am very blessed to be in an equally yoked God sent marriage. It’s truly a major blessing.

  2. Yes Mel, you are right it escalates everything! Thanks for reading sis!


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