Monday, April 7, 2014

Confirmation and Affirmation

When asked by others if you love Jesus do you say yes?

When asked if you desire to be used by Him do you say yes?

When asked IF He can use you, do you say yes?

Some people have difficulty with these questions. We often feel unprepared to do what God requires of us, but we shouldn't! 

I Corinthians 1:4-9
We are equipped with Great Confirmation for the Great Commission. God gives us perfect affirmation through Christ who lives within us.

The power to obey is not something we work up. It's not a conjured spell or the power of positive thinking. It is God working in you to do of His good pleasure. Any good in us is His doing. The power to do good is His as well.

Matthew 3:17
With Jesus, God is well-pleased.

We all desire to please God, to make Him smile but often still see ourselves as unfit to be in leadership or to be called a disciple of Jesus. Why is that? Sometimes, it really is our pride, or a false humility. "I'm so sinful, I could never be used by a great God". The Bible tells us otherwise.

It's impossible to please God without His own holiness invading your life! Our righteousness is as filthy rags.

Ephesians 3:20
God's power works in us to make us "able to do..".

God enables you! He indwells to enable. That is the power of the Holy Spirit in the believer. God can boldly tell us to make disciples because everything we need is given to us already.

God says I AM
God says He WILL
God says He HAS
God says I CAN

Colossians 2:5-7

So, no more excuses. Let's be productive for the Kingdom of God!

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