Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Less Average People

The nations of Genesis 10 have been used as an origin of the "races" proof text and has been very controversial. It has been widely accepted in Christianity that Noah's sons "Japheth is the father of the Caucasian "race", Shem of the Mongoloid race, and Ham of the Negroid race. Some have interpreted Noah's prophecies of his sons in Genesis 9 to be the Scriptural basis for discrimination of one "race" against another. Particularly, the supposed curse on Ham's son, Canaan, was purported to be Biblical support for Negro slavery." "...the majority of European artists and Bible commentators painted and described all biblical characters, including God, as White. This had the effect of excluding blacks from being a part of Scripture and has led some people of color to question the Bible’s relevance to them." "...according to some scholars, there are no black people mentioned." Don't trust another man to tell your story!

I remember hearing back in the 80's, and still today scientist believe that humans originated in Africa. I believe that the Bible and about ninety percent of it's Old Testament people mentioned were predominantly black. The best evidence of this is the Bible itself. Here are some of the adjectives and proper names the Bible uses:

Cush (Ham's son) = "black" in Hebrew. (Cushi or cushim means black skinned people)
Mizraim or Egypt in English was Ham's son. The ancient name for Egypt is Kemet and means "black land".
Ethiopia (Jeremiah 13:23) = "burned face" in Greek.
Kedar (Genesis 25:13) = blackness, swarthy, very black, dark skinned.
Niger (Acts 13:1) = black in Latin.
Phinehas (Moses' great nephew - Judges 20:28) = the Nubian (black).
Song of Solomon 1:5 (King James Version); "I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon."

Hebrew which is equated to "Canaanite" by today's definition is a Semitic language of the Afro-Asiatic language family.

If Ham's sons were different "races" (or subgroups) in one family, as some believe, that ("argument from silence") would be a pretty drastic and peculiar thing for the Bible not to even hint to it; also like Israel (and the Motherland) nations spun off of large families. They weren't some chaotic "melting pot" like America; and names back then were descriptive and had meaning.
Although this subject is a non essential for life in Jesus Christ, nevertheless the truth should not be suppressed.


Monday, January 27, 2014

When Marriage Hurts

"Why can't you understand the words coming out of my mouth?!
You did not hear one word that I just said! I'm tired of repeating myself.
Stop interrupting me and maybe we can come to an agreement!
You don't care. You are not even trying to meet me halfway! You don't even love me."

Have you ever said those things to your husband? I have. I was hurting. When what we feel is not communicated to our husbands, we can get very angry, sad, resentful and bitter. No one likes that feeling,  but what should we do? Have you ever felt that you are trying your best and are still under-appreciated? Yeah, Jesus has definitely been there too!

Here are some biblical tips for Communication in marriage:

1. Offer positive criticisms. Accusations sound like what the devil does.
2. Agree on a set time to talk about conflicts.
3. Actually listen, not prepare a rebuttal. This is not a courtroom. The goal is a winning marriage! You don't feel any better if your spouse loses.
4. Use the Word of God in sharing your offense, then stop talking. Check your emotions. Repeating the Word is enough. It works.
5. Don't forget to pray. Seek God before you approach your mate and pray before during & after! Maurice and I have been using these tips for years.
6. Remember to trust God, not your feelings.

We all have expectations in marriage but we need to surrender those to God and love the person we are with. Remember, you both chose each other. Make wise decisions because when you wake up in the morning, they will still be there!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Hagar's Side

This week I will be meditating some on the life of Hagar. Initially she was in a position of privilege although she was Sarah's handmaiden. To be that close to such a wealthy woman of a blessed man of God was special. Perhaps she took too much upon herself and her pride came before herin positions of privilege we have to be careful not to think too highly of ourselves.

Hagar a woman who was pushed to the side. First of all she was a slave and secondly she was a wife who was refused. Speaking against her mistress cost her great trials in her life. Sometimes it makes me think that one little incident can cause a world of trouble. Hagar fled from Sarah, being pregnant as Abraham's second wife. They were not getting along.

Sometimes it is the words of our mouths that open up the gates to unthinkable repercussions. However, Hagar was also a wise woman. She learned from her mistakes unlike other characters in the Bible. She knew the voice of God and obey him immediately when He told her to return. Although she ran away the first time, she also repented in haste and she and her son were blessed.

One thing that I noticed was that Abraham and Sarah never asked her to return. She was sent out but it was God who told her to go back. She may have had some fear since she left on bad terms, but obedience was better than the  sacrifice she was about to make. The Bible does not mention it, but I suspect that God was already working in Abraham and Sarah's heart to receive her back again. We just know that they did.

Another irony we see in this story is Ishmael himself. Although he is the legitimate first born of Abraham, he is not "the chosen one" of promise. Sarah was uneasy about Isaac & Ishmael being together & Hagar was put out. Some of us are paying for our parents mistakes. Some people in our family consider us to BE that mistake. We were the outcasts, those left for dead and the subject of the family tales. But God does not make mistakes. No child is ever a mistake. God promised Hagar that a great Nation would be built through her. God has a wonderful plan for our lives. Whenever we make the choice to obey Him, we can get back on track.

Sometimes God wants us to revisit hurtful situations in our lives. He may be asking us to forgive. Perhaps we need to correct a situation in which we spoke in haste. Maybe God is showing you yourself through the life of Hagar.

Divorce did not exist in those days but she was cast out. It was just as bad. Perhaps that is calling you to reconcile with your spouse, or perhaps He is freeing you from future hurt. Whatever God is telling you to do, be like Hagar and do it immediately. Obedience is better than the sacrifice of disobedience.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Winning Souls, Winning Marriages

Eve was the mother of all living and all of us wives can learn a lot from her! There are three things from the story of Adam and Eve that jump out at me in regards to having a winning marriage and winning souls for Christ, which happens to be the goal of Wifestyle Image Network (

Winning Marriage

1. Please don't lead your husband into sin, or anyone else's husband into sin for that matter. Women, we have power to attract and seduce men. As a woman of God, you need to be attentive to yourself, but we should not be trying to lure any other guy. Check your motivation. Is what you do, how you dress and how you respond to other men's advances pleasing to Christ?

2. When we disobey, there is sorrow in conception and birthpains. Due to her disobedience God "greatly multiplied" Eve's sorrow. (Genesis 3:16) In a spiritual sense, it is hard to make disciples. There is pain in reproduction because sin entered the world and brought this curse on mankind. We are to multiply and disciple others, but doing this is difficult because of the effects of sin in people's hearts. However, in spite of Genesis 3:16, we thank God for John 3:16 where we see Jesus taking on that pain for us!

3. Our relationships should be fruitful. Even if you are not married, your relationship should be headed that way. If your boyfriend is not helping you multiply (which is God's command physically and spiritually), he is not your husband. Think about that.

Winning Souls

1. Unlike Eve, let's be accurate with the Word of God. When the serpent asked her what God had said about the fruit, she added to what God had said. "We cannot eat it or touch it, lest we die". Not quite right. It's important to study and know the Bible for ourselves. In Titus 2, women are instructed to teach other women, so every teacher must first be a student.

2. We are blessed and not cursed. Eve was not guilty until we associate herself with the serpent. Then she was cast out of the garden. When we attach ourselves to an accursed thing, we are cast out with it. Live should in the freedom to be what God created us to be and watch who you entertain in your company! We walk with our spouses hand in hand in the shadow of that first marriage. The reality, though, is that we are now associated with grace and mercy and our marriages foreshadow the reunion of Christ and His Bride!!

3. The enemy hates women. Why? We carry THE seed. From Genesis to Revelation, the devil's goal is to snatch the seed, the Word of God, Jesus, the gospel. Mary carried Jesus - the last Adam, the Bread of Life, the one who is the Firstfruit. Carrying the gospel is very important. It is precious cargo and we must protect and preserve it so that we may win souls for the Kingdom of God effectively.

Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...