The blessings of following Jesus far outweigh the trials that He allows us to go through to refine us. Even in our sin and disobedience, His grace is ever sufficient.
It's daylight savings time. Someone had this idea to "save the light" of day by making everyone in the time zone gain an hour in the fall and lose an hour in the spring. This usually happens as we all sleep here in the U.S. We lose an hour of sleep and people complain about that because their internal clocks become disoriented. While we attempt to rest, our rest is stolen unless we prepare ourselves for falling back.
Perhaps you already see where I am going with this. God knows that we will fall into sin. So he has made provision in not sparing His Son to die. The Son is gone; but when Jesus left this world, He gave us the Holy Spirit to direct us internally. You see, the Holy Spirit convinces us of the truth of the Bible and convicts us when we fall into sin. When we fall back, He redeems the time for us.
When we have been redeemed, the night is like day to us. The world is dark and sinful and many people are asleep to the truth of the gospel. But we are children of the day. So even when times change here on earth, our internal motivation is based on eternity. Work while it is day. Night is coming when no man can work.
As the Lord redeems what we consider to be lost, our perspective changes. When we were sleeping, lazy and non-complacent Christ died for us. Once we believe and receive Him into our hearts, time is not the issue anymore, our obedience is. Now everything you do counts for eternity! Now that is a change in perspective.
God has redeemed us. Have you been awakened from your sleep and filled with the Holy Spirit? If not, I encourage you to do that today. Tomorrow may be too late.
Pray with me.
I have sinned and have come short of your perfect standard of holiness. I am sorry. I repent and turn away from what has displeased You. I accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for my sins on the cross at Calvary. I give my life to You. I believe that I am saved from sin. Fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit to confess before others the change that You have made in my life. Give me power to overcome sin, self and satan in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I have sinned and have come short of your perfect standard of holiness. I am sorry. I repent and turn away from what has displeased You. I accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for my sins on the cross at Calvary. I give my life to You. I believe that I am saved from sin. Fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit to confess before others the change that You have made in my life. Give me power to overcome sin, self and satan in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
If you have prayed that prayer, I'd love to hear from you. Your next step is to get baptized among a group of other believers and join a discipleship group that will teach you more about the Bible and sharing your faith with others.
Welcome to my family!
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