Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wifestyle Image Network

Once upon a time there was a wife. She was frustrated. She had a husband to care for and children to raise, a job to keep and a house to manage. It was overwhelming. She wondered if she was alone. She wondered if other women went through the same things as she did. She was busy. She was always busy doing something that she felt like God wanted her to do. But she was not focused. She was not doing whatever the one thing was that she could do best for the Lord. Then she decided to fast and ask the Lord what He wanted for her life. She came before God and told him that she would not move until He gave her specifics as to what to do. Wifestyle Image Network (W.I.N.) was then birthed in prayer and fasting.

Sometimes in life we overlook the simplest things. Even as a Christian who reads the Bible, nothing in it is truly understood until the Holy Spirit reveals it to you in a way that you can understand.
Just five days ago, God showed me a vision of Titus 2 in action. In just an early morning time devotion, I received a revelation and quickly worked in obedience to the Holy Spirit. There is just enough time to do excactly what God is calling you to do. You may be wondering exactly what God is telling you to do. The answer lies in the Great Commission. In the book of Matthew, Jesus leave his disciples with a mission.

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:16-20).

The work of spreading the gospel and teaching others to do the same is hardly complete. There is still much work to be done. It is the how to that is the issue. If you are a born again believer then you already a great desire to share the Word of God with others. You may be ignoring it or you may not have clear direction as to where to start. If you are married then sharing the gospel may not even be among your highest of priorities. You may feel you are too old. You may feel you are too young. You may not have enough money and resources to spread the gospel. Your church may not have the right program in order for you to spread the gospel. Or, someone else can. Someone else has more experience more money that spiritual gift or calling, more training or a degree to do what God has called you to do.

Stop making excuses. I gave all those excuses to God (because they were mine as well) and He gave me His Holy Spirit to direct me in how to fulfill the mission He has clearly laid out. We only have so long to live and influence the world around us and then it is over. Jesus is coming back. He will want to know if the mission is complete or not. The bible speaks of seedtime and harvest time. The time to work for the Lord is now.

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4)

Never before in the history of mankind have Christians all over the world been able to share the gospel so quickly and on such a massive scale. Never before have women in particular been able to have such a voice in other people's lives. Social media has become one of the primary means by which women of the 21st century communicate. It is through this vehicle that the Lord has blessed me to establish Wifestyle Image networks across the globe. Wives network to establish mentoring relationships with younger women based on the ten Titus 2 directives given in scripture. Now that I know what to do and how to do it, I invite you, my readers from all over the world to join me on the greatest mission of all time!

Let's Go!!

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