So friends, next week is my next Tru-Image Wifestyle Vlog on google hangouts! You can rsvp for the event right HERE. Please pray that God will bless this event and that everyone who participates and/or watches later will be blessed! Thanks.
Has school started for you? It has for me. I am taking a bible class and my nursing classes for my MSN. It's hectic because I'm also teaching fulltime. This is what I do to! So the struggle becomes DISCIPLINE! I must be disciplined to wake up and spend time with my Heavenly Father, go to bed at a decent time each night, remain organized and sure to prioritize and re-prioritize my life as the Lord leads. But when I get busy, it gets hard. Not only do I need the right amount of time to work, but I must rest.
My favorite time to rest is on Sundays! Gotta have that mid-day nap and I'm so right! My family is aware that I will be resting and they need to go away. I tell my boys "Call your daddy!'. I will be of no use to all for like two hours. Yes, two hours! Sometimes I might even wake up early but I don't let them know just so I can enjoy the lack of hearing "Moooooommmm!!" "Mooooommmmmmeeeeeee!" "Hey babe!". However, there are other times when their calls to get my attention are music to my ears. I mean, I almost long to hear it.
To be needed and wanted is so fulfilling. God does not need to be fulfilled but the Bible tells us that He wants to be depended on, reached for, wanted. Do you put a smile on God's face by telling Him how much you need and want Him? Like any good dad, God desires the reliance of His children. He is waiting to give us good things, to deliver us, rescue us and be our hero...if e would only call out to Him!
This morning in my quiet time I read Exodus 20. God had just rescued the Israelites and was now instructing Moses to give them the Law. However, the people were so afraid that they asked not to hear from God (Exodus 20: 19-21). It is ok to be a protective Father and loving miracle-maker, but please don't make us respect you or have a healthy fear of you. God wanted to keep them from sin (what got mankind where they were in the first place) but they did not like that side of God. Sounds like the parenting relationship to me! It's ok to call when you need them but don't tell me what to do. Really?? We expect love but refuse discipline. A good Father knows we need both.
At some point, slow down enough to thank God for being a good Father. Then tell Him how you couldn't have made it this far without Him. He wants to be needed and appreciated so He can show off in your life. And does He ever show off! He wakes you up with the sun, gives you strength, purpose and a reason for going to work and then He'll top it off by putting a rainbow in the sky for you to see on the way. He also has no problem giving correction so that we do not continue the habit of sin.
What a great God we serve. Thank you dad. I love you and I will need you later today, tomorrow, the day after that and forever!
Don't touch the ducks boys!
Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 91:15, Exodus 20, Matthew 7:11
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