Monday, August 30, 2021

Fostering Oneness in Marriage

Your marriage matters. How you represent yourself as a couple to others is important. Sometimes you may forget that you are a unit with your spouse. They are an extension of you and vice versa. When you mess up this reflects on them, when they do, it is yours to own as well. While some things are not "your fault" there are some things that you will have to deal with because this is your relationship for better or for worse. What you each do, or do not do, will affect each other.

If marriage is supposed to represent Christ and the Church then we all have work to do. We do not believe that the job of looking like Christ lies solely to the man or being the Church is just for the woman. It is the beauty of sacrifice, unity and order that we are striving for.

When a wife is truly her husband's helper and gives him support, love and encouragement she emphasizes building trust. When a husband defends his wife, listens to her concerns and remains faithful he has built and strengthened their relationship.

Being one is physical and mental. Knowing your spouse is key to this oneness. Take the time to learn your mate in both ways! Then eventually, you will find yourself saying what they say and doing what they do and vice versa. Decision-making becomes easier, parenting is better and oneness happens over time. It's a God-thing!

In marriage we redefine ourselves as we get closer together, then people begin to identify us as a team, a unit. It helps to do things together, be seen together, refer to each other often and let everyone know that your spouse's opinion needs to be consulted before making decisions. Although these ideas seem to be old-fashioned, they work to bring you closer together and increase the longevity of your relationship.

We are certainly not pros at this, but the more you seek to be one, the more people see you that way. The more people see you that way, the more you look like Christ and the Church - one Body.


Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...