Thursday, November 5, 2020

Learning to be Discreet

Being careful with our speech, actions and reactions is not always easy as a woman. Taking the time to think before your respond is an artform. Learning to stay silent....well, that is practically divine! Women who have mastered discretion make wonderful wives.

This type of woman knows when to talk to her husband and when to wait. She is a walking proverb who quietly influences her entire home, work and business. She can set the atmosphere with her praise and live in confidence because her God is within her.

How do we get to be her? 


I always watched those older women in my church who spoke just the right things to the younger ones. They were not offensive, but gave us stern and loving advice. They were the prayer warrior women who we confided in and we just knew that they heard from the Lord! Those women were always quoting scripture and kept their household in order. Wow, I wanted to be her.

So I watched and I learned. I asked questions and I observed responses. I copied her moves and took her advice in parenting and in marriage. Even watching how she dressed taught me so much. I consulted the Word of God and prayed to be a woman who represented God well in every way - like her. 

In watching I learned that those women were not perfect, but did not let that stop them from pursuing holiness and righteousness. They made mistakes both privately and publicly, but they were so quick to repent and move on. These women discreetly prayed for the faults of their husbands and did not shame them. The joy of the Lord was their strength even in the very hard trials of life including pain, sickness, poverty and even in the face of death itself.

Being a woman who is like that takes a lifetime of growth but I also learned that each day gave them a new start and a fresh beginning to get it right. Discretion just means discreet, careful, cautious. We can all learn to do that in every decision we make.

I am encouraged that each and every woman will have the same opportunity to grow and learn to be this kind of person or to squander these moments and come out defeated. It really is up to us to choose who we will serve each and every day - moment by moment. We can gleen from others who are discreet. We can study discretion in the Bible. We can practice this cautious lifestyle every day.

You are her and so am I to someone watching our lives. We are projecting an image to the world even if we are not celebrities or the most popular. Know that others are learning both from our successes and our failures. Let us show them Jesus.


  1. Beautifully put!

    Lord, help me to honor You in this area. In Jesus name. Amen.


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